"A system of controlled practice that makes it possible to concentrate on specific teaching behavior and to practice teaching under controlled condition". Allen and Eve (1968).
Characteristics of Micro-teaching :
- Micro element : Micro-teaching reduces the complexity of the teaching situation in terms of.
- Number of students to be taught.
- Duration of lesson.
- Subject matter to be taught to enable the trainee to concentrate on a particular teaching skill at a time. One should master the components of the task of teaching before he attempts to perform effectively the complicated task of teaching at macro-level.
- The number of instructional objectives and the content is kept low
- It reduces the teaching skill and size of the topic, it is focused on micro events.
- It is highly individualized training device to prepare effective teachers and provides feedback for trainees' performances.
- Micro analysis of the teaching process consist of analyzing the minute details of teaching.
- Teaching skills and teaching strategies :
- These include writing of instructional objectives.
- Sequencing and organizing knowledge to be presented in order to achieve specific objectives.
- Appropriate content.
- Proper organization.
- Selection of proper audio-visual aids.
- Skills of introducing a lesson.
- Skills of explaining and illustrating.
- Reinforcement
- Probing questions.
- Reinforcing pupil participation.
- Probing questions.
- Reinforcing pupil participation.
- Diagnosing pupils' difficulties
- Skills of writing test items
- Interpreting pupil's performance in a test.
- Planning remedial measures.
- Safe Practice ground
- The Teaching Models
Basic Principles of micro-teaching
- Enforcement.
- Practice and drill.
- Continuity.
- Microscopic supervision.
- Knowledge Acquisition Phase.
- Skill Acquisition Phase.
- Transfer Phase.
- Defining a Specific skill
- Demonstration of the skill
- Micro-Lesson Plans
- Teaching a small group
- Feedback
- Re-planning, Re-teaching and Re-evaluation
- Recording
- Reviewing
- Responding
- Refining
- Re-doing
- Helps student teachers to acquire hard-to-attain teaching skills by providing a real situation for practicing skills.
- Since micro-teaching focuses on a particular skill at a time, student teachers can attain proficiency in teaching skills in a phased manner.
- Provision of immediate feedback makes micro-teaching more interesting and reliable.
- Since main role is played by the student teacher, it is regarded as a student centered method.
- Time consuming
- Produces homogenized standard robots with set smiles and procedures
- It is said to be (wrongly) a form of play acting in unnatural surroundings and it is feared that the acquired skills may not be internalized.
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