Nursing Path

CARING is the essence of NURSING. -Jean Watson

Nursing Path

Knowing is not enough, we must APPLY. Willing is not enough, we must DO. -Bruce Lee

Nursing Path

Treat the patient as a whole, not just the hole in the patient.

Nursing Path

Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts. -Winston Churchill

Nursing Path

A problem is a chance for you to do your best. -Duke Ellington

RCN leads call for prison healthcare reforms to curb rising deaths

Healthcare in the justice system must be improved to prevent more prisoners dying prematurely, warns a new report by the Royal College of Nursing and a government advisory committee. It comes amid a rise in the number of natural deaths in custody in England and…

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Brexit: Nursing assistants recommended for job shortage list

Nursing assistants are in such short supply in the UK that employers should be given more flexibility to recruit into these roles from overseas after Brexit, the government has been told by a group of expert advisors. The “critical role” people in these jobs were…

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Psychology Quiz Series - 20

‘Blame culture’ in midwifery affecting staff retention, committee told

Issues around the workplace culture in maternity services are driving midwives away from the profession and impacting the safety of care delivered to pregnant women, a committee of MPs has heard. A panel of experts today presented oral evidence to the Health and Social Care…

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Coronavirus: 90% of NHS leaders worried about staff wellbeing

Nine out of 10 leaders in the English NHS are concerned about the long-term impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the wellbeing of their staff. The finding is revealed in a new report published today by the NHS Confederation titled NHS Reset: A New Direction…

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Analysis: The case for an early pay rise for nurses

Nurses are still recovering from the initial peak of the coronavirus pandemic and now face the challenge of a second wave. Despite the plaudits that have come their way, many still do not feel properly valued. With the clapping now fading but Covid-19 cases again…

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Government promises four-month PPE stockpiles for winter

The government has today published a new national personal protective equipment (PPE) strategy that it claims will secure an “uninterrupted” supply of items for nurses and colleagues treating Covid-19 patients this winter. As part of the strategy, health and social care secretary Matt Hancock announced that…

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Give nurses ‘easy access’ to flu jab during shifts, says RCN

Employers must make getting vaccinated against influenza as easy as possible for their health and care workers by offering jabs on site and during shifts, the Royal College of Nursing has urged. The college made the appeal today as it launched its annual #BeatTheFlu campaign,…

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Microbiology Quiz Series - 18

Chemo nurse learns sign language to improve care for deaf patients

A chemotherapy nurse who taught herself sign language has been praised for the way she has transformed care for deaf patients on her hospital unit in Staffordshire. Dawn Bebbington, staff nurse on the chemotherapy unit at County Hospital in Stafford, was inspired to learn British…

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NMC launches new code of practice campaign

The nursing regulator has today launched a new campaign to “bring to life” its code of practice and highlight how it can be used to guide difficult decision making during the coronavirus pandemic and beyond. Caring with Confidence will involve a series of short animations…

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Anatomy and Physiology Quiz Series - 18

NCLEX Quiz Series

Anatomy and Physiology

Blood  C        Components of blood Red Blood Cell (RBC)   White Blood Cell (WBC)            Immunoglobulin (Ig) & Immunity      Platelets          Bleeding profile            Blood group    Cardiovascular SystemC Heart                    Chamber of hear                        Heart valve & Heart sound                 Conduct system          ECG            Blood Pressure           Blood vessels  Endocrine SystemC Concept of Endocrine system       Pituitary gland Thyroid gland Parathyroid gland       Pancreatic Islets   Adrenalin gland          Urinary SystemC       Concept of urinary system            Bladder           Male Reproductive System   Skin     Eye      Nervous SystemC            Structure        Meninges        Parts of Brain  Spinal Cord     Cranial Nerves             Respiratory SystemC Basic Structure           Lungs   Respiratory Process            Lung Function Test     Digestive SystemC    Basic Structure           Mouth or Oral Cavity      Oesophagus and Stomach      Intestine         Pancreas         Liver            Miscellaneous Term   Skeleton SystemC     Basic Structure           Vertebral Column           Skull    Appendicular Skeleton           Joint    Cell and TissueC        Cell            Tissue              Muscle Tissue DNA and Chromosome          Miscellaneous

Fundamental of Nursing

Fluid Balance & Imbalance     Acid-base Balance and Imbalance     Electrolytes Balance & Imbalance  Blood Transfusion      Oxygen Administration          IV Infusion            Administration of Medication Lab Specimen Positions         Diagnostic Tools            Vital SignsC    Temperature Pulse   Respiration     Blood Pressure            Heat & Cold Application         Diarrhoea and Constipation   Enema Body Mechanism     Unconscious (GCS) & Dying Patient   Pre & Post Operative Nursing            Barrier Nursing           Nursing Process          Tracheostomy, ET Intubation            Nasogastric Lavage & Gavage Orthopaedic Procedure like Traction or            Bandages etc. Lumber Puncture        Paracentesis & Chest Drainage System            Urinary Catheterization & Irrigation  Bed Sore & Wound Care        Wound Care                Other Miscellaneous Procedure                    Nursing Theory, Ethics & As a Profession           Hospital Set up

Medical – Surgical Nursing

Blood  C Anaemia     Haemophilia   Leukemia        Hodgkin’s Disease            Cardiovascular SystemC Hypertension       Myocardial Infarction (Cardiac Indicator of MI)           ECG changes in MI      Medical Management of MI   Risk factor of MI & CAD    Angina Heart failure   Shock  Cardiac arrest & Heart Block  Ventricular Flutter, Fibrillation, Tachycardia        Valvular Defect           Venous Insufficiency            Vascular Disorder       Embolism,       Thromboembolism, DIC & DVT            Carditis           Endocrine SystemC  Hypo & Hyperthyroidism       Cushing’s Syndrome & Addison’s Disease         Pheochromocytoma   Diabetes Inspidus            Diabetes Mellitus (DM)          DKA (Diabetic Ketoacidosis)   Urinary SystemC            Renal calculi                Renal failure   Nephrotic Syndrome            Glomerulonephritis    BPH     UTI      Miscellaneous            SkinC Burn            Other Skin disorder

EyeC  Cataract & Glaucoma Nervous SystemC                 Meningitis      Epilepsy            Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)          CVA or Stroke Parkinsonism  Bell’s Palsy            Myasthenia Gravis                 Trigeminal Neuralgia  Head Injury     Spinal Injury              Brain Tumour Miscellaneous Respiratory SystemC COPD               Epistaxis                     Pneumonia     ARDS   Pneumothorax           Other Miscellaneous Disorder         Digestive SystemC    Liver Disorder Hepatitis            Pancreatic Disorder    Disorder of Biliary System      Gastroenteritis, Gastritis and Peptic & Duodenal Ulcer Inflammatory Bowel Disorder (Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease)         Haemorrhoids Appendicitis               Other Intestinal Disorder                        Other Miscellaneous  Metabolism    Skeleton SystemC     Fracture            Osteoporosis  Osteomyelitis Arthritis          Oncology

Growth & Development

Concept of growth and development             Play     Common Health Problem of new born    Respiratory Distress   KMC in Hypothermia  Fontanel Breast feeding            APGAR Score   Physiological and Pathological Jaundice        Preterm and Post Term New Born          Developmental Milestone     Reflex

Child Health Nursing

Introduction to Child Health Nursing Chromosomal & Other Congenital Disorder            Central Nervous System        Cardiovascular DisorderC    Tetralogy of Fallot            Rheumatic Fever         Gastrointestinal DisorderC  Pyloric Stenosis            Celiac Disease Intussusception          Diarrhea          Megacolon            Phenylketonuria         Cleft Lip & Palate        Respiratory Disorder Genito-Urinary Disorder

Mental Health Nursing

Introduction to Mental Health          Psychopathology        Models of Care (ECT)            PsychopharmacologyC        Anti-Psychotic Mood Stabilizer (Lithium)                  Antidepressant           Sedative-Hypnotic Drug         Other Miscellaneous Drugs

Psychotherapy            Therapeutic communication  Psychiatric DisordersC            Schizophrenia BPD or Affective Disorder (Mania or Depression)     Phobia            Eating Disorder           Substance Abuse        Personality Disorder   Dementia & Delirium (Organic Disorder)                       Grief    Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADH) or any Other Childhood Developmental Disorder   Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)    Anxiety Disorder         Other Miscellaneous Disorders

Community Health Nursing

Vaccination     Cold chain       BCG     Polio Vaccine  MMR   Vitamin           Other Miscellaneous Vaccine           Level of Prevention    Health promotion      Mother Child Health (MCH)    Health Communication          Contraceptives            Demography and Epidemiology                     Mortality and Morbidity            Indicator of health     Epidemiological Term Bio-Medical Waste     HFA, Health Delivery System and PHC        Health Planning in India Including National, International Health Agencies & Professional Bodies           National Health Programme     Environmental Hygiene          Occupational Health  Disaster Management  Vital Health Statistics Home visit      Miscellaneous

Communicable Diseases

Measles          Chickenpox     AIDS    Typhoid          Diphtheria and Shick Test            Tuberculosis               Malaria           Polio    Cholera           Mumps            Dengue           Rabies Leprosy           Whooping Cough (Pertusis)   STD            Plague Kala azar         Other Communicable diseases          Nutrition

Introduction to Nutrition                   Lipids              Protein Carbohydrate Vitamins            Vitamin A        Vitamin B Complex                 Vitamin C        Vitamin D            Vitamin E        Vitamin K        Minerals         National Nutritional Programme            PEM     Miscellaneous

Maternal Nursing

Female Reproductive System Gynaecology   Pelvis               Fetal Head      Position, Presentation, Lie, Attitude and Embryonic Development     Placenta, Amniotic Fluid, Umbilical Cord and Fetal Circulation Normal Pregnancy                  Complication related to Pregnancy, DM During Pregnancy APH (Placenta Previa & Placenta Abruptia)        Abortion         Ectopic Pregnancy      Molar Pregnancy or Hydatidiform Mole   Rh Incompatibility      Twin Pregnancy         Labour Puerperium and its Complication (PPH)    Lochia Surgical Obstetric

Psychology and Sociology

Introduction to Psychology    Ego Defence Mechanism        Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need   Intelligence and their Test      Personality     Emotion          Learning            Miscellaneous

SociologyC    Introduction to sociology                   Marriage         Family


Sterilization    Infection         Microorganism


Introduction to Pharmacology           NSAID              Opiates           Antibiotic            Poisoning, Antidote & Anaphylactic Reaction           Emergency Drugs            Body Mass Index (BMI)           Diuretic           Miscellaneous

Nursing Education

Introduction to Education & Philosophy       Teaching-Learning Process     Method of Teaching         Instructional Media (AV Aids) Measurement and Evaluation Other Miscellaneous Issue

Nursing Management & Administration

Introduction to Management & Administration       Quality Assurance & Audit            Delegation      Leadership      Span of Control          Supervision     Material Management (Inventory)       Financial Management (Budgeting)   Human Resource Management  Job Description           Record and Report     Ward Management            Other Miscellaneous Issue

Nursing Research and Statistics

Introduction to Nursing Research      Hypothesis     Types of Research Approach/Design       Research Variables     Sampling         Research Tools            Review of Literature   Other Miscellaneous Issue of Research Process            Statistics         Reliability and Validity           Scales of Measurement            Other Issues of Statistics

News round-up: Catch-up on September’s major nursing stories

Miss any of the news affecting the profession during September 2020? Catch up with our monthly summary of the main nursing headlines, as reported by Nursing Times.   Nurses to access clear face masks to improve communication Nurses across the UK are set to have…

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Nursing Management Quiz Series - 20

RCN election row: Petitioners and council find common ground

Talks between council members at the Royal College of Nursing and petitioners seeking to force change at the college through an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) appear to have taken a positive turn. The two sides met last night and agreed to work together to organise…

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Care home nurses ‘highest priority’ for Covid-19 vaccine in draft list

Nurses have been labelled as a top priority for a Covid-19 vaccine – especially those in care homes – by a committee advising the government on immunisation. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has today published 11 draft groups it believes should be…

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Warning over fate of flu campaign if GPNs go without Covid-19 tests

Problems in access to Covid-19 testing for general practice nurses will threaten the ability of primary care to deliver this year's expanded influenza vaccination programme, the government has been warned. The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) has this week written to Baroness Dido Harding…

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RCN welcomes ‘important’ review of gender services for young people

Nursing leaders have welcomed an announcement by NHS England of an independent review into gender identity services for children and young people. The review will be wide-ranging in scope and will look to make recommendations on the current and future workforce needs for these services.…

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Nursing Research Quiz Series - 23

‘Record’ rise in student nurses including 30% more men

A record number of students have been placed on nursing courses across the UK this year, new figures from the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) reveal. The data, published 28 days after the clearing process, showed 34,190 student nurses had been accepted onto a…

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Staff discrimination named ‘biggest workforce issue of pandemic’

Discrimination faced by health and care staff from a Black and minority ethnic (BME) background has been described as the “biggest workforce issue of the pandemic”, according to a new report. The NHS Confederation report, published today, set out a list of key actions that…

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RCN Wales urges next government to ‘value the profession’

The Royal College of Nursing in Wales has launched a new manifesto that calls on the next Welsh Government to provide a “substantive” pay rise and extend safe staffing legislation. RCN Wales has this week published its Vote for Nursing Campaign to lobby the next…

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Influential director of RCN Scotland announces retirement

Theresa Fyffe, director of the Royal College of Nursing in Scotland, has announced that she will retire from the college after 14 years in the top role. A former critical care nurse, Ms Fyffe (pictured above) has been commended for raising the RCN’s profile in…

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Government places nurses in new Covid-19 testing priority list

Care home staff have been placed second and NHS staff third on a new priority list for Covid-19 testing, the government has announced. Nursing leaders and unions have been calling on the government in recent weeks to ensure nursing staff and colleagues were front of…

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Nurses working under ‘damaging conditions’, warns report

Urgent action is needed to address “alarmingly high levels” of nurse stress, turnover and intentions to quit, which have been exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic, a new report has warned. A blueprint published today by the King’s Fund health think tank called on organisations to…

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Government’s 50,000 nurse pledge ‘not based on modelling’

The government appears to be unaware of how many nurses the NHS in England actually needs and in what specialisms to meet demand, an influential committee of MPs has warned. It said the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) "could not show" that its…

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Government agrees to sign charter to ‘protect health workers’

The health and social care secretary, Matt Hancock, has agreed to sign up to a new health worker safety charter, which vows to protect staff from violence, biological hazards, and improve their mental health. On World Patient Safety Day last week, the World Health Organization…

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CNO announces £28m to restart international nurse recruitment

Funding worth £28m is being made available in England to quickly “accelerate” the recruitment of nurses from overseas, following a period of inactivity due to the coronavirus pandemic. Half of the money is dedicated to supporting the arrival to the country of nurses who have…

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Long-standing leader of health visiting body to ‘step back’ from role

The Institute of Health Visiting (iHV) has announced that Dr Cheryll Adams, who founded the organisation, will be stepping back from her role as executive director early next year. Current director of policy and quality at the institute, Alison Morton, will become acting executive director…

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Action needed ‘now’ to protect nurses as Covid-19 infections soar

Nursing leaders have called for action to ensure resources are in place for nurses to tackle a second wave of Covid-19 amid a rapid rise in cases nationally. The resurgence in cases has led to the UK’s four chief medical officers recommending this afternoon that…

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CNO calls on nurses to tackle 10k challenge for colleagues in crisis

The chief nursing officer for England has issued a plea to nurses and midwives to support colleagues facing personal and financial crises by taking on a 10k challenge of their choosing. Ruth May has urged staff to sign up to this year’s '10k for Nurses…

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Nurse says new dementia village is benefiting staff and patients

A new dementia 'village’ at a hospital site in the East Midlands is supporting patients to "live the best life they can", according to a senior nurse who works there. Featuring a communal green, a post office, a village hall, a launderette and bus stop,…

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England launches trial of A&E appointment system

A new appointment booking system for urgent care is being trialled in England as part of efforts to curb the spread of Covid-19. Under the pilot, people with a non-life-threatening problem will be asked to phone the NHS 111 service to be triaged before attending…

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DHSC announces new adult social care chief nurse role

A new chief nurse role for adult social care role is being created to help steer the workforce through the challenges of the upcoming winter and beyond. Recruitment for the position will begin in October and the successful candidate will charged with providing clinical and…

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Northern Irish nurse says ‘weary’ staff fear second Covid-19 wave

A senior nurse in Northern Ireland with more than 20 years' experience in emergency care has said she has never before seen colleagues "so worried about the incoming winter". At a time when the number of Covid-19 cases in the country are rising, Roisin Devlin,…

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RCN schedules 2021 vote on re-joining global nursing federation

Members of the Royal College of Nursing will be asked to vote next year on whether the college should re-join the International Council of Nurses. Ahead of the planned vote at its 2021 annual general meeting, the college is set to hold an engagement exercise…

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RCN row continues as petitioners complain of being shut out

The Royal College of Nursing presidential election row is continuing to rumble on despite promises of an extraordinary general meeting (EGM). The college’s governing council announced yesterday that it would be calling an EGM in the near future to give members an opportunity to air…

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Europe will extend year of the nurse and midwife into 2021

The International Year of the Nurse and Midwife will be extended in Europe in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, it has been announced. The a World Health Organization (WHO) had dedicated 2020 to nurses and midwives to showcase and celebrate the work of the…

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No patient safety without nurse safety, governments warned

Patient safety and the safety of nurses are “two sides of the same coin”, nursing leaders across the UK and globally have warned today. They are using this year's World Patient Safety Day to call for action and investment in order to protect nurse health…

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Consultation launched on extension of Welsh nurse staffing law

Plans to extend safe nurse staffing legislation in Wales to include children’s inpatient wards have taken a step forward, as a 12-week consultation is launched. The Welsh Government is now gathering views on changes to the law to include paediatric inpatient wards. “While we welcome…

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Further funds announced to control Covid-19 infections in care homes

An emergency support fund to help limit the spread of Covid-19 in care homes in England is being topped up with an additional £546m ahead of the winter. A key purpose of the Infection Control Fund is to help the care sector restrict the movement…

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Emergency meeting of RCN will ‘give members space to air concerns’

An extraordinary general meeting (EGM) of the Royal College of Nursing will be convened “soon”, the chair of the college’s ruling council has announced. Dave Dawes (pictured above) said the EGM would provide members with a space to air their concerns following a stormy few…

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‘Vital’ for nurses to take up flu jab this year, warns CNO

The annual call for health and care staff to take up the offer of a free influenza vaccination is more imperative than ever this year in light of Covid-19, England’s chief nursing officer has warned. With the first flu vaccine deliveries due to reach employers…

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Emergency care forms tweaked to make them more ‘patient-centred’

The process used to discuss and document an individual's emergency care wishes has been altered in order to make it more "patient-centred" and reduce the likelihood of "misunderstandings". The changes follow concerns raised during the coronavirus pandemic about the way decisions were being made about…

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Punishments to get ‘even tougher’ for people who attack nurses

Maximum prison sentences for people who assault nurses are set to be increased again, this time from one year to two, the government has announced. It follows the introduction in 2018 of the Assaults on Emergency Workers (Offences) Act that made it a specific crime…

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Psychology Quiz Series - 19

World’s governments have ‘failed to prioritise’ nurses during Covid-19

Calls have been made for governments to address their “collective failure” to prioritise nurses during the coronavirus pandemic, as a new report reveals a “disturbing snapshot” of how health workers are being exposed to the virus and its associated risks. In a new report published…

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Covid-19 test results for care home nurses ‘consistently delayed and lost’

Care home nurses continue to struggle with access to coronavirus tests, with some reporting that results are “consistently delayed, inconclusive or even get lost”, according to a nursing union. The Royal College of Nursing has warned that, without proper testing and processes in place, the…

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Finalists of the 2020 Nursing Times Workforce Awards revealed

The people and organisations that have made the shortlist for the 2020 Nursing Times Workforce Awards has been announced today. We received over 100 entries, giving our judges a tough job to whittle these down into our shortlist across the award’s 15 categories. The event,…

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Giant sea turtle named in honour of nurses returned to ocean

A giant seagoing turtle that was rescued from a beach in the US in May, and named after Florence Nightingale, has been released back into the ocean after a full recovery from injury. As previously reported by Nursing Times, the turtle was found stranded and…

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Covid-19 risk in hospitals ‘lowest among intensive care staff’

The risk of Covid-19 infection among staff at the height of the coronavirus pandemic was lowest among intensive care clinicians, contrary to expectations, according to findings in one UK hospital. In contrast, coronavirus risk was found to be highest among acute and general medicine clinicians,…

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Nurses to raise funds for mental health unit with 100 mile walk

A pair of nurses have put on their walking boots and set off on what they have coined a ‘walk to recovery’, in a bid to raise money to improve patient activities at a psychiatric intensive care unit (PICU) in Sunderland. Tom Gardner and Ryan…

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‘More specialist midwives needed’ to support BAME women

Urgent changes must be made to ensure maternity care is safer for Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) women,  according to the Royal College of Midwives. In a motion at the Trades Union Congress (TUC) annual conference today, the RCM insisted that more specialist midwives…

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Nurses ‘continue fight’ for pay increase amid protest cancellations

Up to 3,000 nurses and health workers took part in a series of online and in-person pay protests across the country this weekend, despite several being cancelled because of the rise in coronavirus cases. Nurses both lined the streets and joined together virtually to continue…

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Microbiology Quiz Series - 17