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CARING is the essence of NURSING. -Jean Watson
Knowing is not enough, we must APPLY. Willing is not enough, we must DO. -Bruce Lee
Treat the patient as a whole, not just the hole in the patient.
Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts. -Winston Churchill
A problem is a chance for you to do your best. -Duke Ellington
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The post NT Awards 2021: May Parsons spotlights ‘pivotal role’ of nurses during pandemic appeared first on Nursing Times.
The post NT Awards 2021: ‘Remarkable’ nurse professor wins lifetime achievement award appeared first on Nursing Times.
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The post Nurse leadership concerns flagged at Liverpool merger trust appeared first on Nursing Times.
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The post Scotland winter plan flags ‘real nurse staffing pressures’ facing care homes appeared first on Nursing Times.
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Definition of Stress
Stress is defined as anything that disrupts the normal person's physical or mental well-being. It occurs when the body performs activities outside its capabilities or when the person faces extraordinary demands. According to the Taber's Cyclopedia (a medical dictionary), stress is 'the result produced when a structure, system, or organism is acted upon by forces that disrupt equilibrium or produce strain.'
The process of stress has a stressor or stimulant that causes or stimulates stress in any situation. A stressor is in itself neither positive nor negative, good nor bad, it is how one reacts to it which determines its positivity or negative. For example, a deadline that's nearing can be a motivator to finish the task on time (a positive stressor) for one manager whereas it can be a threat ( a negative stressor) for another. Hence, every manager has to identify his/her reactions to various situations, in order to deal with stress easily.
Stress can be differentiated by the way in which it affects the body and mind of an individual. It can be either positive or negative. Positive stress is called eustress. It triggers the body alarm and enhances a person's attention, performance, and creativity. It has temporary effects. Negatives stress is called distress. It has a negative affect on the physical and mental health of an individual. If left unattended, distress could result in serious health problems like sleeplessness, depression, eating disorders, and suicidal tendencies. Eustress beyond a certain level becomes distress..
In order to explain this phenomenon of stress, Hans Selye developed a model called the General Adaptive Syndrome (GAS model). The GAS model explains how an individual reacts to and deals with stress. This model has three stages. The first stage is the alarm reaction stage, which involves the body's response to the new situation or the stressor. In this stage, the individual is under eustress. The second stage is the resisting stage, which involves resisting or reacting to the situation. In this stage is the body is said to be under a fight or flight situation. The fight or flight situation is the body's ability to deal with the situation (fight) or escape from it (flight). The third stage is the exhaustion stage, which is the aftermath of the fight or flight situation. If the resistance stage extends over a long period, the individual becomes distressed. A manager has to recognize the stress levels that he/she finds acceptable in order to use stress as a motivator and avoid stress.
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