- ü Effectiveness of selected relaxation techniques on the physiological Parameters of patients diagnosed with Bronchial Asthma in a selected hospital of Mehasana.
- ü Effectiveness of Planned teaching on knowledge of early signs immediate treatment of Myocardial infarction in selected high risk patients in a selected hospital of Mehasana City.
- ü Development and Evaluation of an information booklet on the knowledge and practice related to prevention of foot ulcers in cardiac patients with Diabetes Mellitus in a selected hospital of Mehasana.
- ü Effectiveness of planned teaching on knowledge in patients with Coronary artery bypass grafting surgery regarding phases of cardiac rehabilitation in a selected hospital in Mehasana.
- ü Effectiveness of information booklet on knowledge regarding management of modifiable risk factors of coronary artery disease in patients newly diagnosed with diabetes mellitus in a selected hospital in Mehasana.
- ü Effectiveness of Planned teaching on selected aspects of Prevention of Nosocomial Infection for the staff nurses working in Intensive coronary care unit of selected hospitals in Mehasana.
- ü A Study to determine the effectiveness of self instructional module on knowledge regarding medico legal aspects in care of cancer patient among nurses employed in selected hospitals of Mehasana
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of Yoga (Yoga-Nidra) on Health related quality of life among cancer patient undergoing Radiotherapy in selected hospitals of Mehasana.
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of structured education on knowledge regarding prevention of cervical cancer among ANM students in selected nursing institute of Mehasana District.
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of structured education on caregiver's knowledge and attitude regarding colostomy care of patient in selected cancer hospitals of Gujarat.
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of structured education on knowledge and attitude about safety measures regarding handling of chemotherapy drugs among nurses in selected cancer hospital of Gujarat.
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of structured education on knowledge and practice regarding venous access device care among staff nurses working at cancer units of selected hospitals of Gujarat.
- ü A descriptive Study to assess the hopelessness and depression among cancer patients in selected Hospitals of Mehasana city.
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of progressive muscle relaxation on pain among cancer patient in Manchiba Hospital, Bhandu, Mehasana.
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of topical application of pure honey on radiation-induced mucositis in patients undergoing Radiotherapy at selected hospitals of Gujarat.
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of the structured education on knowledge and attitude regarding primary prevention of oral cancer among the students of selected Junior College of Mehasana District.
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of planned health teaching on the knowledge regarding Dengue fever among the students of standard 8 and 9 in the selected Government School of Mehasana city.
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of planned health teaching regarding adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the knowledge of college students in selected colleges of Mehasana city.
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of planned health teaching regarding knowledge of Glasgow coma scale among nurses working in Intensive care units and emergency department in a selected hospital of Mehasana city.
- ü A Study to assess the compliance of staff nurses to intrahospital transport protocol for critically ill adult patients in a selected hospital of Ahmadabad city.
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching on use of incentive spirometry in post operative compliance in patients undergoing cardiac surgery in selected hospital of Mehasana city.
- ü A Survey on self-care practices of patients with Ischemic Heart Disease who are attending Cardiac OPD of selected hospitals Mehasana City.
- ü Effect of foot reflexology on performance of deep breathing and coughing exercises in patients after sternotomy in selected hospitals of Mehasana.
- ü Effect of planned teaching on the knowledge regarding arterial blood gas interpretation and selected nursing measures among nurses working in intensive care unit of Selected Hospitals of Mehasana.
- ü Comparative study of perceived learning needs of convalescent patients after heart failure with that of nurses perception in selected hospitals of Mehasana.
- ü Effect of planned teaching on knowledge regarding selected aspects of activities of daily among patients diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder in selected hospitals of Mehasana.
- ü Effect of planned teaching on knowledge regarding selected aspects of home management of patients after valve replacement surgery.
- ü Prevalence of varicose veins and its contributing factors among ICU nurses from selected Hospitals, of Mehasana, with a view to prepare an information booklet on prevention of varicose veins.
- ü Effect of planned teaching on the knowledge of nurses regarding selected aspects of post operative management of Thoracotomy in a selected hospital of Mehasana.
- ü Effect of cold application on selected side effects of injectable anti coagulants in hospitalized adult patients in selected hospitals of Mehasana.
- ü Effect of communication Board on selected parameters of comfort in mechanically ventilated patients in selected hospitals of Mehasana.
- ü Effect of foot massage on selected side effects of cancer chemotherapy in hospitalized adult patients of a selected hospital of Mehasana.
- ü Effect of Pre-operative orientation programme on pre and Post-operative anxiety of CABG patients in selected hospitals of Mehasana.
- ü An Exploratory study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching on renal care among patients undergoing dialysis in medical wards of tertiary level hospital in Mehasana.
- ü A Descriptive study to assess the prevalence of drug non compliance among elderly population attending the ex-servicemen contributory health scheme of tertiary level hospital in Mehasana.
- ü Effect of Music Therapy on Pre-operative anxiety of cataract patients undergoing cataract surgery in selected hospitals of Mehasana City.
- ü Effect of Reiki Therapy on
pain reduction in terminally ill cancer patients of
selected health care set-ups in Gujarat. - ü Effect of basic life support training on knowledge skills and perceived control of immediate relatives of patients diagnosed with Ischemic heart disease admitted in selected hospitals of Mehasana city.
- ü Assessment of knowledge and
skills of critical care registered nurses on
Isotropic drug calculation in order to prepare and validate a SIM. - ü Assessment of risk factors
for coronary artery diseases in employees of
selected educational institutes of Mehasana city in view to prepare and validate SIM - ü A Study to assess the
effectiveness of information booklet on the
knowledge regarding home care of patient diagnosed with bronchial asthma in selected hospitals of Mehasana city. - ü A Study to assess the
effectiveness of planned teaching regarding
Tracheotomy care on the knowledge of staff nurses working in selected
hospitals of Mehasana city. - ü A Study to assess the
effectiveness of planned teaching programme on
knowledge regarding basic life support among student nurses of first year
post basic B.Sc. Nursing in selected nursing colleges of Mehasana Drastic. - ü A Study to assess the
effectiveness of range of motion exercises on early
ambulation of patients after abdominal surgery in selected hospitals of
Mehasana city. - ü A Study to compare the
effectiveness of planned teaching programme
versus CD ROM presentation about Angiography on the knowledge
among the 1 st year post basic BSc nursing students of selected nursing
colleges in Mehasana city. - ü A Study to assess the
effectiveness of structured educational programme
on knowledge regarding hospital waste management among staff nurses
working in oncology units of selected hospitals of Gujarat. - ü A Study to assess the
effectiveness of structured education programme on
knowledge regarding non pharmacological management of nausea and
vomiting in patients undergoing chemotherapy, among staff nurses
working in oncology units of selected hospitals of Gujarat. - ü A Quasi experimental study
to assess the effectiveness of education and
oncology units visits on knowledge and attitude regarding oral cancer
among the gutka chewers in selected colleges in Mehasana District. - ü A Descriptive study to
assess the stressors faced by the caregivers of
patients suffering from acute Lymphocytic Leukemia and their coping
strategies in selected hospitals of Mehasana. - ü A study to assess the
effectiveness of exercise programme on fatigue in
patient receiving radiation therapy at selected hospitals of Gujarat. - ü A Quasi experimental study
to assess the effectiveness of structured
education on knowledge and attitude regarding breast self examination
among women in the textile processing industry in Gujarat. - ü A Study to assess the
effectiveness of self instruction module on
knowledge and practice regarding prevention of needle stick injuries
among staff nurses of selected oncology units of Government Cancer Hospital Ahmadabad. - ü A study to evaluate the
effectiveness of information booklet on knowledge
regarding self care during external radiation therapy among patients of
selected hospitals of Mehasana. - ü A descriptive study to
assess the quality of life of colorectal cancer
patients undergoing treatment in selected hospitals of Mehasana. - ü What is the effect of
structured education programme regarding post
mastectomy exercises on knowledge and practice among women
undergoing mastectomy, in selected hospitals of Mehasana? - ü A Study to assess the effect
of Guided imagery on level of blood pressure in
hypertensive senior citizen residing in selected old age homes of Mehasana city. - ü A Study to compare the knowledge and practices of nurses about Occupational Health Hazard in selected hospital of Mehasana city.
- ü A Study to identify learning needs of the patients undergoing hemodialysis and to prepare and assess effectiveness of self instructional module for home management of patients.
- ü A Study to assess the side
effects of chemotherapy and coping strategies
adopted by patients admitted in selected hospital of Mehasana city. - ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of planned health teaching program on the level of knowledge and attitude of first year B. Sc nursing students towards HIV/AIDS in Joitiba College of nursing, Bhandu.
- ü A Study to assess knowledge and compliance to lifestyle modifications and drug regimen in post operative cardiac surgery patients attending OPD in selected hospitals of Ahmadabad.
- ü Effect of Self instructional
module on knowledge of Adolescents regarding
modifiable risk factors of Hypertension in selected Junior Colleges of Mehasana. - ü Effect of planned teaching on the knowledge and practice of selected aspects in prevention and management of hypertension among employees in selected offices in Mehasana.
- ü Effect of planned teaching on knowledge regarding early ambulation of patient after cardiac surgery among staff nurses working in cardiac surgical care unit in selected hospital of Ahmadabad.
- ü Effect of Planned teaching on knowledge regarding prevention of myocardial infarction among police personnel in selected police stations of Mehasana.
- ü Comparative study on perceptions of family members of patient's admitted in intensive care units with that of nurse’s perceptions in selected hospitals of Mehasana.
- ü Effect of Planned teaching
regarding Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary
Angioplasty (PTCA) on anxiety level of patients undergoing coronary angioplasty in a selected hospital of Mehasana. - ü Effect of deep breathing on
blood pressure in women with hypertension in
selected community areas of Mehasana. - ü Development of a
communication board to identify needs of patients on
mechanical ventilation post Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in selected
hospitals of Ahmadabad. - ü Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of staff Nurses on Intramuscular injections with a view to prepare a SIM in Civil Hospital of Mehasana.
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching on knowledge and pre-procedure anxiety level of patients undergoing upper GI Endoscopy in selected Hospitals of Mehasana.
- ü A study to determine the effectiveness of an instructional programme on oral care on knowledge, attitude and practice on oral care among cancer patients receiving chemotherapy in selected Cancer Hospital of Ahmadabad.
- ü A study to determine the Quality of life of patients with head and neck cancer receiving treatment in selected cancer hospitals, Gujarat.
- ü A study to assess the factors influencing prehospital delay in seeking medical treatment among patients with myocardial infarction admitted to selected Hospital, Mehasana.
- ü A study to determine the effectiveness of cryotherapy on pain experience during Arteroi Venous Fistula (AVF) puncturing among patients undergoing hemodialysis in selected hospitals of Gujarat State.
- ü A study to assess the coping strategies and its impact on the quality of life and disability in patients with psoriasis in selected Hospitals, Mehasana.
- ü Effectiveness of lecture cum demonstration on first aid for selected minor injuries among Accredited Social Health Activities (ASHA) in selected areas of Mehasana District
- ü A Study of prevalence of hypertension and lifestyle practices of school teachers of selected schools in Mehasana city, Gujarat.
- ü Effectiveness of multifaceted intervention on hand – hygiene practices among healthcare professionals and its impact on hospital- associated infection in the neonatal intensive care units of selected hospitals in Gujarat.
- ü Effectiveness of hydrotherapy as a complimentary therapy for patients with arthritis among selected rural areas of Mehasana District.
- ü The effectiveness of two different modalities of treatment in reducing the naturopathic symptoms and pain in the lower limbs among patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy in a selected hospital in Mehasana.
- ü Effectiveness of a need based computer assisted education program (CAEP)) on Nursing management of post cardiac surgery clients for the registered nurses working in critical care units of a selected hospital in Ahmadabad.
- ü A study to assess the effectiveness of a competency program on CPR among staff nurses in selected hospitals in Mehasana District, Gujarat State.
- ü A comparative study of the effectiveness of two teaching methods for ‘cranial nerve assessments’, on knowledge and skill of undergraduate nursing students of selected nursing college of Mehasana district.
- ü An exploratory survey to identify individuals with hypertension and to find the effectiveness of an awareness program on hypertension in a selected village of Mehasana District, Gujarat.
- ü A study to assess the risk of deep vein thrombosis among patients admitted to civil hospital, Mehasana with a view to develop a protocol on Management and prevention of deep vein thrombosis.
- ü A study to identify the risk status of teachers for hypertension and effectiveness of a workshop on hypertension as an educational method for teachers of selected educational institutions of Mehasana District, Gujarat.
- ü A study to determine the effectiveness of improvised handing over technique over the traditional system among staff nurse in selected hospital of Gujarat State.
- ü A study to assess the effectiveness of postoperative arm massage for the reduction of pain and lymph edema, pain and disability in post-operative patients after mastectomy in selected hospitals of Mehasana District, Gujarat State.
- ü A study to assess the effectiveness of interpretive exercises in improving the interpretive ability of basic BSc. Nursing students in selected radio diagnostic images in a selected College of Nursing, Mehasana District.
- ü A study to determine the prevalence & knowledge regarding low back pain among undergraduate nursing students at selected institutions of Mehasana District, Gujarat.
- ü The effectiveness of lumber
support for the prevention of short-term backache among postoperative patients
undergoing lower abdominal surgery under spinal anesthesia in selected
hospitals of Mehasana district, Gujarat.
COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING - ü Effectiveness of Planned teaching versus information booklet on knowledge and practices in management of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in selected areas of Mehasana.
- ü Study of assess the Emotional Problems and coping strategies of senior Citizens living in old age homes with a view of develop an information booklet in selected old age homes in Mehasana district.
- ü The effectiveness of planned health teaching on knowledge of women regarding cervical cancer in selected villages of Mehasana district.
- ü A Study of the knowledge of Practices of Female Health Worker in relation to selected aspects of Reproductive and Child Health Program in tribal area of Mehasana District.
- ü A study to assess the knowledge in relation to Anti Retroviral Treatment (ART) in the Patient Living With HIV-AIDS (PLHA) attending ART of Civil Hospital Mehasana.
- ü A Study of Knowledge and Practices of mothers of under 5 children in relation to care of diarrhea, who attending Pediatric OPD at Civil Hospital Mehasana.
- ü
A Study to assess of the effectiveness of planned
teaching on the knowledge & practices of mothers regarding the prevention
of Acute
Respiratory infection in under five children in selected urban area of Mehasana city. - ü A Study to assess the effect of Tobacco handling on full term Pregnancy outcome among Bidi workers delivered in General Hospital, Ahmadabad.
- ü Effect of information booklet on knowledge of selected aspects of home care among care givers of patients with stroke in an urban community of Mehasana.
- ü Effect of planned teaching on the knowledge, attitude and practice of women regarding breast self examination in selected urban community of Mehasana.
- ü Effect of planned teaching on knowledge of mothers regarding vitamin A requirements, sources, deficiency and it's prophylaxis among under five children from a selected urban area of Mehasana.
- ü A Cross-sectional study to assess the incidence of Diabetes Mellitus among the elderly and their health seeking behaviour in the urban area of Mehasana.
- ü A Study to assess the prevalence of Malnutrition among under five children and its relationship with Mother's knowledge and practices related to Childs Nutrition in the urban area of Mehasana
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of planned health teaching programme on oral hygiene status of school children in the age group 6-14 years in an urban school of Mehasana.
- ü Effect of iron supplement verses iron supplement with health teaching on anemia on the hemoglobin level of women with anemia in selected areas of Mehasana district.
- ü Effect of planned teaching on knowledge regarding selected aspects of care of infants among the mothers from villages of Mehasana district.
- ü Effect of planned teaching on the knowledge of selected aspects of Bio medical waste management among Health workers from urban health center of Mehasana city.
- ü Effectiveness of Planned Teaching on Knowledge of Safety Precaution to be followed by Senior Citizens in home setting in a selected area of Mehasana.
- ü
A Study to assess the effect of Planned Teaching on
Stress Management
during Adolescent Period in selected schools in Mehasana. - ü
A Study to assess the emotional problems among elderly
people residing
in selected old age homes in Mehasana city in a view to develop an information booklet. - ü
A Study to assess the prevalence of Anemia and its
association with
selected variables among adolescent girls in the selected schools of Mehasana city. - ü
A Study to assess the perceived barriers for
Noncompliance of immunization by the parents of 0-5 year’s children residing in
selected area
of Mehasana city. - ü
A Study to assess the effectiveness of information
booklet on knowledge
about disaster preparedness among people residing in selected area of
Mehasana city. - ü Effectiveness of an awareness programme on disaster preparedness and mitigation among school teachers in selected schools of Mehasana District.
- ü A study to Evaluate the effectiveness of Individual and Family Awareness Programme on clinical profile, Health belief indicators, Knowledge and compliance to dots among patients with tuberculosis attending selected health centres of Mehasana District, Gujarata.
- ü A study to determine the quality of life and to assess the effectiveness of nurse directed intervention on knowledge and health promotion behaviours of Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in the selected community centers of Mehasana District, Gujarat.
- ü Effectiveness of a planned teaching programme on environmental health among the Anganwadi teachers in selected Anganwadi centres of Mehasana District.
- ü A study to determine the prevalence of vision loss and related risk factors among the individuals of 45 years and above in a selected village of Mehasana district.
- ü A study to determine the effectiveness of ‘vibratory audio-visual stimulation’ (VAVS) to reduce ‘acute evoked procedural pain’ (AEPP) experienced by the individuals, during an invasive nursing procedure, in a selected Community Health Centre, Mehasana district
- ü Effectiveness of Planned nursing intervention on knowledge and practices of selected aspects of care provided by caregivers of children with Colostomy of selected hospitals in Mehasana.
- ü Effectiveness of Instructional Module on the knowledge and practices of Caregivers whose children are on Chemotherapy in selected hospitals of Mehasana.
- ü Effectiveness of Planned teaching on knowledge & practices of children with type I Diabetes Mellitus in relation to selected aspects of self care in a selected hospital in Mehasana.
- ü A Study of knowledge of significant others having school age children with Thalassemia major admitted in selected hospital in Ahmadabad.
- ü A Study of knowledge of adolescents who are suffering with tuberculosis, regarding anti tuberculosis treatment and its compliance, from various hospitals of Mehasana.
- ü A Study of effectiveness of planned teaching regarding measles vaccine to the mothers in a selected hospital in Mehasana.
- ü A Study of Effect of planned teaching on parental knowledge about disorder that is seizure and knowledge of practices in relation to its management.
- ü A Study of the effect of planned teaching on knowledge and knowledge of practices of mothers in relation to selected aspects of care of neonates with hyperbilirubinemia in selected hospitals in Mehasana.
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of planned health teaching on knowledge and practices of mothers of children 0-5 years regarding acute upper respiratory tract infection in selected hospitals of Mehasana city.
- ü A Comparative study to
assess the effectiveness of nesting on posture and
movement in healthy preterm infants lying in supine position in and out of the nest from selected hospitals of Mehasana city. - ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching on the knowledge and practices of mothers of children 0-5 years on prevention and management of diarrhea in selected urban area of Mehasana.
- ü Effect of planned
preoperative play intervention on selected parameters of
children undergoing abdominal surgery in selected hospitals of Mehasana. - ü Effectiveness of an information booklet on knowledge and practice of selected aspects of care provided by caregiver of children on ventilator in selected hospitals, Ahmadabad.
- ü Effect of an information
booklet on knowledge and practice of caregivers
regarding care of children with nephrotic syndrome in selected hospitals of
Mehasana. - ü A Study to assess the Practices in invasive Procedures in NICU and Paediatric ward as followed by the Health care workers of a tertiary level hospital and subsequently develops standard operating Procedures.
- ü A Cross sectional study to determine the factors causing failure to thrive in children under five years with congenital heart diseases undergoing treatment in selected tertiary care hospitals in Mehasana.
- ü A Study of the effect of planned teaching on knowledge of planning of pregnancy among Thalassaemic patients from reproductive age group in Ahmadabad city.
- ü A Study to assess the effect of planned teaching of knowledge in relation to congenital anomalies to newly married couples in selected community, Mehasana.
- ü A Study to assess the
effectiveness of Planned Health teaching
programme regarding Kangaroo Mother Care on knowledge practice and
attitude of Mothers delivered in selected hospitals of Mehasana city. - ü A Study to assess the
effectiveness of information booklet on knowledge
of Mothers regarding home management of selected common illnesses
children (2 months to 5 Years) residing in selected Urban area of Mehasana
city. - ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of oil massage therapy on weight of the low birth weight babies admitted in Neonatal intensive care unit of selected hospitals of Mehasana city.
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of Deep breathing exercises along with the postural drainage in the children (Age-6-12 years) affected with lower respiratory tract infections admitted in the selected hospitals of Mehasana city.
- ü A Comparative study to
assess the efficacy of Peripheral IV line cannula
site with splint and without splint application on the functional duration of peripheral IV cannula in neonates admitted in a selected hospital of Mehasana city. - ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of an information booklet on knowledge regarding Home care of children with cerebral palsy among the care givers of selected special schools of Mehasana city.
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of self instructional module on the knowledge and practices of mothers regarding care of low birth weight babies in the postnatal wards of selected hospitals of Mehasana city.
- ü A Study to assess the prevalence of behavioural problems in children with chronic kidney disorders receiving health care from tertiary level hospital of Ahmadabad.
- ü A Study to evaluate the effects of music therapy on pain intensity and physiological parameters among post operative children in Pediatric wards of selected hospital in Mehasana.
- ü Effect of planned teaching on knowledge of preprimary school teachers regarding autism in selected schools of Mehasana.
- ü Effect of information booklet on the knowledge and practice of staff nurses regarding selected aspects of prevention of nosocomial infection in pediatric wards of selected Hospitals of Mehasana.
- ü Effect of planned nursing intervention on cardiopulmonary parameters and behavioral responses of children with pneumonia in selected hospitals in Mehasana.
- ü A comparative study to assess the effectiveness of videotaped instruction and personal instruction on child CPR among third year B.Sc. nursing students of selected colleges of Mehasana District.
- ü Effectiveness of facilitated tucking in reducing the pain response during venipuncture among preterm neonates admitted in NICU and postnatal wards of selected hospitals, Gujarat State.
- ü A study to determine the health related quality of life of hospitalized children with chronic illness and its association with selected variables in selected hospitals of Mehasana District.
- ü A study to determine the effectiveness of an awareness programme on knowledge and attitude about Epilepsy in children among teachers in selected anganawadi’s of Mehasana District.
- ü A study to determine the effectiveness of an educational programme on body mechanics in terms knowledge and observed practice among the school age children in the Selected schools of Mehasana District.
- ü A study to assess the effectiveness of skin tap technique on pain response during Diphtheria Pertusis Tetanus (DPT) injection among infants in various subcenter of Mehasana District.
- ü Effectiveness of breast massage on experience of breast milk expression and volume among mothers of preterm neonates admitted to NICU of selected hospitals Gujarat State.
- ü A Study on the effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching on detection of visual impairments in children, among teachers in primary schools at Mehasana district, Gujarat.
- ü A study to determine the effectiveness of child to mother approach of health education on environmental health among children of selected upper primary schools of Mehasana District, Gujarat.
- ü Effectiveness of a self-instructional module on administration of pediatric medications among the staff nurses in a selected hospital of Mehasana District.
- ü A study to determine the effectiveness of Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) on Physiological Parameters of Low Birth Weight (LBW) infants, in selected hospitals of Mehasana District.
- ü A study to determine the effectiveness of a competency based teaching programme on prevention of Neonatal hypothermia for staff nurses in selected hospital of Mehasana, Gujarat.
- ü A study to assess the growth and development of toddlers, in relation to selected environmental variables in selected areas of Mehasana District.
- ü A study to assess the effectiveness of a teaching programme on brushing technique on the dental status of children in selected schools of Mehasana District, Gujarat.
- ü Effectiveness of information booklet for care givers regarding care of Schizophrenia patient in Hospital of Mental Health, Delhi Darwaja, Ahmadabad.
- ü A Study to assess the level of anxiety and depression in clients with epilepsy in selected hospitals of Ahmadabad city.
- ü A Comparative study to assess the caregiver burden among caregivers of sober and relapse alcoholics from selected areas of Mehasana city.
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of planned health teaching on the attitude of students towards persons suffering from mental illness in selected college of Mehasana City.
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of planned health teaching on quality of life of caretakers of mentally challenged children between age group 5-18 years in selected hospital and special schools for mentally challenged of Mehasana city.
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of planned health teaching on alcohol abuse in adolescents from a selected school and junior college in Mehasana city.
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching on knowledge of electroconvulsive therapy among family members of mentally ill patients in selected hospitals at North Gujarat region.
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching on knowledge regarding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) among primary school teachers in selected schools of Mehasana District.
- ü A Comparative study to
assess the knowledge of Anorexia Narvosa among
adolescent girls in selected Rural and Urban areas of North Gujarat Region. - ü An Exploratory study to assess the perceived biopsychosocial problems and coping strategies adopted by postmenopausal women in selected urban area of Mehasana city.
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of an information booklet on knowledge regarding Alzheimer's disease among senior citizens in selected senior citizen clubs of Mehasana city.
- ü A Study assesses the knowledge of primary school teachers regarding attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in selected Government schools of Mehasana city.
- ü An Exploratory study to assess the psychosocial problems and coping strategies adopted by the senior citizens residing in selected urban area of Mehasana city.
- ü Assessment of Anxiety level & coping strategies amongst students from selected undergraduate professional colleges of Mehasana to develop a self instructional Module.
- ü Assessment on factors influencing Suicidal ideation and its coping strategies among adolescents of 15 to 17 years from selected educational institute at Mehasana city.
- ü The role of Media and Telecommunication on Behavioral patterns among school going children of selected educational Institutes of Mehasana.
- ü Assessment of psychosomatic symptoms of menstruation among adolescent girls studying in selected educational institutes of Mehasana.
- ü Assessment of the causes of Psychiatric readmissions in selected inpatient mental health set ups of Ahmadabad in view to prepare Psychoeducational module.
- ü Effectiveness of progressive Muscle relaxation technique on generalized Anxiety of elderly Orthopedic patients in selected hospitals of Mehasana city.
- ü A descriptive study to
assess the eating habits among the adolescents
(13 years -19 years) in selected schools and Junior colleges of Mehasana city. - ü A study to assess the problems faced by the children of alcohol dependents residing in selected areas of Mehasana city.
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of planned health teaching on knowledge about Nicotine dependence among adolescents in selected areas of Mehasana city.
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching on knowledge about rehabilitation of people living with HIV/AIDS among the nurses of selected hospitals of Ahmadabad city.
- ü A Study to assess the adjustment problems faced by the first year basic B.Sc. Nursing students of selected colleges of nursing in Mehasana city.
- ü A study to assess the problems faced by the family members of mentally challenged individuals residing in selected areas of Mehasana city.
- ü A study to assess the codependency and depressive symptoms among care givers of alcoholics in Hospital of Mental Health, Delhi Darwaja, Ahmadabad.
- ü Speech intelligibility and its influence on mental health and self esteem among adolescents with hearing impairment in selected special schools of Gujarat.
- ü Effectiveness of an awareness program on knowledge about dementia among adults in a selected village of Mehasana District, Gujarat.
- ü Effectiveness of a video assisted teaching on Electro Convulsive Therapy (ECT) in improving the knowledge and attitude of public in selected villages of Mehasana District, Gujarat.
- ü A study to assess the effectiveness of a video awareness programme regarding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) among primary school teachers of selected institutions of Mehasana District, Gujarat, India.
- ü A study to determine the knowledge on HIV / AIDS and alcohol abuse pattern among patients with alcoholism and its influence on sexual behaviour in selected hospitals of Mehasana District, Gujarat.
- ü A correlative study on life events, depressive features and perceived social support among patients with Diabetic mellitus in selected hospitals of Mehasana District.
- ü A study to determine the effectiveness of therapeutic play on anxiety among hospitalized preschool children in selected Hospital, Mehasana.
- ü A study to determine the knowledge and attitude of mothers regarding prevention of child sexual abuse in a selected village in Mehasana District.
- ü A study to assess the stress and coping among widows residing in selected areas of Mehasana District.
- ü A study to evaluate the effectiveness of assertiveness training programme towards prevention of abuses among adolescent girls from selected schools of Mehasana, Gujarat
- ü An evaluative study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching on awareness (knowledge & attitude) towards mental illness among general public of Mehasana district, Gujarat.
- ü A comparative study on stress, coping strategies and quality of life of institutionalized and non-institutionalized elderly in Mehasana District, Gujarat.
- ü A Co-relative study of burden & coping strategies among the care givers of patients with affective disorder in selected hospital of Ahmadabad, Gujarat.
- ü A study to determine the effectiveness of an awareness program on knowledge on substance abuse and its consequences among the adolescents in a selected schools of Mehasana District, Gujarat.
- ü A study of assess the knowledge and attitude regarding mental illness among staff nurses in selected hospitals of Mehasana, Gujarat.
- ü Effectiveness of an information booklet on care of attempted suicide patients for staff nurses in a selected hospital of Gujarat.
- ü A comparative study to determine the perceived human rights between people with mental illness and normal individual in Mehasana district, Gujarat.
- ü A Study to assess the Knowledge and Practices of Partograph during labour among midwives in selected primary health centers from Mehasana District.
- ü Assess the effect of an Planned Teaching on Legal and Ethical aspects related to Obstetrics Nursing among staff Nurses working in Government Hospitals in Mehasana City.
- ü A Study to assess the knowledge of Practices about self care of antenatal mothers with Diabetes Mellitus in selected hospitals of Mehasana.
- ü A Study to assess the knowledge of women in the reproductive age group regarding contraceptive methods.
- ü A Study to assess the effect of planned teaching in relation to selected aspects of PIH among antenatal mothers in Government Hospital Mehasana.
- ü A Comparative study to assess relationship of placental weight in normal pregnant women & anemic pregnant women ranging between age group of 20-35 years in selected hospital of Mehasana
- ü A study to assess the effectiveness of planned health teaching on knowledge regarding antenatal care among pregnant mothers in selected hospitals in Mehasana city.
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of planned health teaching regarding knowledge of cervical cancer among commercial sex workers residing in Ahmadabad City.
- ü A Comparative study to assess the effectiveness of moist heat and dry heat application on healing of episiotomy wound in post natal mothers in selected hospitals of Mehasana City.
- ü A study to assess the knowledge and attitudes regarding use of emergency contraceptive pills as a method of contraception among female students from selected colleges of Mehasana city.
- ü Knowledge, attitude and practice's of family planning method amongst the eligible couples in selected area of Mehasana.
- ü Effectiveness of patterned breathing on the progress of labour during first stage of labour in primiparas in selected hospitals of Mehasana city.
- ü A comparative study to assess the anxiety level of hospitalized and non hospitalized women with high risk pregnancy availing the services of the tertiary level hospital Mehasana.
- ü A study to determine the Proportion of various factors associated with infertility among couples visiting the infertility clinic of a tertiary level hospital in Mehasana.
- ü A Study to assess the effects of Pranayama on quality of life (QOL) and Blood pressure among menopausal women in the urban Community of Mehasana city.
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of planned health teaching on pregnancy induced hypertension among gravid mothers attending antenatal clinic in selected hospitals of Mehasana city.
- ü A Study to assess the effectiveness of information booklet on knowledge and practices of expressed Breast Milk among postnatal working mothers in selected hospitals of Mehasana city.
- ü A Study to assess the knowledge and effectiveness of Planned teaching regarding Breast Self Examination (BSE) among working women in Mehasana city.
- ü A Study to assess the knowledge and effectiveness of an information booklet regarding lifestyle modifications in polycystic ovarian disease among the college students (Arts and Science) of Mehasana city.
- ü A Study to assess perimenopausal symptoms and coping strategies adopted by registered nurses of selected hospitals of Mehasana city.
- ü Effectiveness of progressive muscle relaxation versus oral intake of Ginger Powder on the selected symptoms of Dysmenorrheal amongst the nursing students at selected educational institutes in Mehasana.
- ü A Study to assess the effect
of child birth education on intrapartum coping
behaviours of primiparous women in a selected maternity center of a
tertiary level hospital in Ahmadabad. - ü A study to determine the knowledge and attitude of married women in the reproductive age group regarding emergency contraception in selected rural areas of Mehasana District.
- ü A study to assess the risk of developing vaginal Candidiasis among pregnant women and to find effectiveness of Vaginal Candidiasis in selected hospitals, Mehasana District.
- ü An exploratory survey to identify the adolescents with high risk for polycystic ovarian syndrome and to find the effectiveness of an awareness programme among students of pre university colleges of Mehasana district.
- ü Effectiveness of preoperative instruction on post – operative outcome measures among women undergoing abdominal hysterectomy in a selected hospital, Mehasana, Gujarat.
- ü A study to determine the correlation between staff nurses’ performance and structural empowerment, and competencies of nurse managers, In selected hospital at Ahmadabad.
- ü Self-care agency, self-care practices, developmental self-care requisites and its correlation with selected basic conditioning factors among post menarcheal girls from selected high schools, In Mehasana district, Gujarat – A test of orem’s theory of self care.
- ü A study to evaluate the effectiveness of acupressure on menstrual discomforts severity among adolescent girls in selected higher secondary schools of Mehasana District, Gujarat.
- ü Effectiveness of child birth preparation class in terms of behavioral responses during first stage of labour and outcome of labour among primigravid women in selected hospitals of Mehasana district, Gujarat.
- ü A randomized controlled trial of video teaching over lecture cum demonstration in improving knowledge & skill of nursing students on antenatal examination, in a selected college of nursing in Mehasana district.
- ü A study to determine the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge and attitude regarding selected aspects of planned parenthood among degree college students of Mehasana District.
- ü Effectiveness of a planned teaching programme on antenatal care for primigravid women attending selected Hospital of Mehasana.
- ü A study to determine biopsychosocial well-being and the family support of menopausal women in selected hospitals of Mehasana District, Gujarat.
- ü A study to determine the effectiveness of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), on pain and behavioral responses of primigravid women during the first stage of labour, in selected hospitals of Gujarat.
- ü A study to identify the knowledge, practice and utilization of the components of Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) program among married women in the selected villages of Mehasana district.
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