Nursing Path

CARING is the essence of NURSING. -Jean Watson

Nursing Path

Knowing is not enough, we must APPLY. Willing is not enough, we must DO. -Bruce Lee

Nursing Path

Treat the patient as a whole, not just the hole in the patient.

Nursing Path

Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts. -Winston Churchill

Nursing Path

A problem is a chance for you to do your best. -Duke Ellington

Microbiology Quiz Series - 16

Where nurses are already leading on the green agenda

Many nurses up and down the country are making positive changes in the name of sustainability. Nursing Times has spoken to nurses implementing a range of initiatives to drive forward the green agenda.   How the idea of being ‘green’ boosted glove reduction The green…

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Analysis: Tackling the issue of sustainability in healthcare settings

Making health and care settings more environmentally friendly brings with a unique set of challenges. But nurses have been making a difference and championing ways to improve sustainability, increasingly with the support of national policy. The emergence of Covid-19 has inevitably had an impact, however.…

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Anatomy and Physiology Quiz Series - 16

NCLEX Quiz Series

Anatomy and Physiology

Blood  C        Components of blood Red Blood Cell (RBC)   White Blood Cell (WBC)            Immunoglobulin (Ig) & Immunity      Platelets          Bleeding profile            Blood group    Cardiovascular SystemC Heart                    Chamber of hear                        Heart valve & Heart sound                 Conduct system          ECG            Blood Pressure           Blood vessels  Endocrine SystemC Concept of Endocrine system       Pituitary gland Thyroid gland Parathyroid gland       Pancreatic Islets   Adrenalin gland          Urinary SystemC       Concept of urinary system            Bladder           Male Reproductive System   Skin     Eye      Nervous SystemC            Structure        Meninges        Parts of Brain  Spinal Cord     Cranial Nerves             Respiratory SystemC Basic Structure           Lungs   Respiratory Process            Lung Function Test     Digestive SystemC    Basic Structure           Mouth or Oral Cavity      Oesophagus and Stomach      Intestine         Pancreas         Liver            Miscellaneous Term   Skeleton SystemC     Basic Structure           Vertebral Column           Skull    Appendicular Skeleton           Joint    Cell and TissueC        Cell            Tissue              Muscle Tissue DNA and Chromosome          Miscellaneous

Fundamental of Nursing

Fluid Balance & Imbalance     Acid-base Balance and Imbalance     Electrolytes Balance & Imbalance  Blood Transfusion      Oxygen Administration          IV Infusion            Administration of Medication Lab Specimen Positions         Diagnostic Tools            Vital SignsC    Temperature Pulse   Respiration     Blood Pressure            Heat & Cold Application         Diarrhoea and Constipation   Enema Body Mechanism     Unconscious (GCS) & Dying Patient   Pre & Post Operative Nursing            Barrier Nursing           Nursing Process          Tracheostomy, ET Intubation            Nasogastric Lavage & Gavage Orthopaedic Procedure like Traction or            Bandages etc. Lumber Puncture        Paracentesis & Chest Drainage System            Urinary Catheterization & Irrigation  Bed Sore & Wound Care        Wound Care                Other Miscellaneous Procedure                    Nursing Theory, Ethics & As a Profession           Hospital Set up

Medical – Surgical Nursing

Blood  C Anaemia     Haemophilia   Leukemia        Hodgkin’s Disease            Cardiovascular SystemC Hypertension       Myocardial Infarction (Cardiac Indicator of MI)           ECG changes in MI      Medical Management of MI   Risk factor of MI & CAD    Angina Heart failure   Shock  Cardiac arrest & Heart Block  Ventricular Flutter, Fibrillation, Tachycardia        Valvular Defect           Venous Insufficiency            Vascular Disorder       Embolism,       Thromboembolism, DIC & DVT            Carditis           Endocrine SystemC  Hypo & Hyperthyroidism       Cushing’s Syndrome & Addison’s Disease         Pheochromocytoma   Diabetes Inspidus            Diabetes Mellitus (DM)          DKA (Diabetic Ketoacidosis)   Urinary SystemC            Renal calculi                Renal failure   Nephrotic Syndrome            Glomerulonephritis    BPH     UTI      Miscellaneous            SkinC Burn            Other Skin disorder

EyeC  Cataract & Glaucoma Nervous SystemC                 Meningitis      Epilepsy            Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)          CVA or Stroke Parkinsonism  Bell’s Palsy            Myasthenia Gravis                 Trigeminal Neuralgia  Head Injury     Spinal Injury              Brain Tumour Miscellaneous Respiratory SystemC COPD               Epistaxis                     Pneumonia     ARDS   Pneumothorax           Other Miscellaneous Disorder         Digestive SystemC    Liver Disorder Hepatitis            Pancreatic Disorder    Disorder of Biliary System      Gastroenteritis, Gastritis and Peptic & Duodenal Ulcer Inflammatory Bowel Disorder (Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease)         Haemorrhoids Appendicitis               Other Intestinal Disorder                        Other Miscellaneous  Metabolism    Skeleton SystemC     Fracture            Osteoporosis  Osteomyelitis Arthritis          Oncology

Growth & Development

Concept of growth and development             Play     Common Health Problem of new born    Respiratory Distress   KMC in Hypothermia  Fontanel Breast feeding            APGAR Score   Physiological and Pathological Jaundice        Preterm and Post Term New Born          Developmental Milestone     Reflex

Child Health Nursing

Introduction to Child Health Nursing Chromosomal & Other Congenital Disorder            Central Nervous System        Cardiovascular DisorderC    Tetralogy of Fallot            Rheumatic Fever         Gastrointestinal DisorderC  Pyloric Stenosis            Celiac Disease Intussusception          Diarrhea          Megacolon            Phenylketonuria         Cleft Lip & Palate        Respiratory Disorder Genito-Urinary Disorder

Mental Health Nursing

Introduction to Mental Health          Psychopathology        Models of Care (ECT)            PsychopharmacologyC        Anti-Psychotic Mood Stabilizer (Lithium)                  Antidepressant           Sedative-Hypnotic Drug         Other Miscellaneous Drugs

Psychotherapy            Therapeutic communication  Psychiatric DisordersC            Schizophrenia BPD or Affective Disorder (Mania or Depression)     Phobia            Eating Disorder           Substance Abuse        Personality Disorder   Dementia & Delirium (Organic Disorder)                       Grief    Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADH) or any Other Childhood Developmental Disorder   Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)    Anxiety Disorder         Other Miscellaneous Disorders

Community Health Nursing

Vaccination     Cold chain       BCG     Polio Vaccine  MMR   Vitamin           Other Miscellaneous Vaccine           Level of Prevention    Health promotion      Mother Child Health (MCH)    Health Communication          Contraceptives            Demography and Epidemiology                     Mortality and Morbidity            Indicator of health     Epidemiological Term Bio-Medical Waste     HFA, Health Delivery System and PHC        Health Planning in India Including National, International Health Agencies & Professional Bodies           National Health Programme     Environmental Hygiene          Occupational Health  Disaster Management  Vital Health Statistics Home visit      Miscellaneous

Communicable Diseases

Measles          Chickenpox     AIDS    Typhoid          Diphtheria and Shick Test            Tuberculosis               Malaria           Polio    Cholera           Mumps            Dengue           Rabies Leprosy           Whooping Cough (Pertusis)   STD            Plague Kala azar         Other Communicable diseases          Nutrition

Introduction to Nutrition                   Lipids              Protein Carbohydrate Vitamins            Vitamin A        Vitamin B Complex                 Vitamin C        Vitamin D            Vitamin E        Vitamin K        Minerals         National Nutritional Programme            PEM     Miscellaneous

Maternal Nursing

Female Reproductive System Gynaecology   Pelvis               Fetal Head      Position, Presentation, Lie, Attitude and Embryonic Development     Placenta, Amniotic Fluid, Umbilical Cord and Fetal Circulation Normal Pregnancy                  Complication related to Pregnancy, DM During Pregnancy APH (Placenta Previa & Placenta Abruptia)        Abortion         Ectopic Pregnancy      Molar Pregnancy or Hydatidiform Mole   Rh Incompatibility      Twin Pregnancy         Labour Puerperium and its Complication (PPH)    Lochia Surgical Obstetric

Psychology and Sociology

Introduction to Psychology    Ego Defence Mechanism        Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need   Intelligence and their Test      Personality     Emotion          Learning            Miscellaneous

SociologyC    Introduction to sociology                   Marriage         Family


Sterilization    Infection         Microorganism


Introduction to Pharmacology           NSAID              Opiates           Antibiotic            Poisoning, Antidote & Anaphylactic Reaction           Emergency Drugs            Body Mass Index (BMI)           Diuretic           Miscellaneous

Nursing Education

Introduction to Education & Philosophy       Teaching-Learning Process     Method of Teaching         Instructional Media (AV Aids) Measurement and Evaluation Other Miscellaneous Issue

Nursing Management & Administration

Introduction to Management & Administration       Quality Assurance & Audit            Delegation      Leadership      Span of Control          Supervision     Material Management (Inventory)       Financial Management (Budgeting)   Human Resource Management  Job Description           Record and Report     Ward Management            Other Miscellaneous Issue

Nursing Research and Statistics

Introduction to Nursing Research      Hypothesis     Types of Research Approach/Design       Research Variables     Sampling         Research Tools            Review of Literature   Other Miscellaneous Issue of Research Process            Statistics         Reliability and Validity           Scales of Measurement            Other Issues of Statistics

Nurses ‘need a voice’ in primary care redesign in wake of Covid-19

Any redesign of general practice services to meet the challenges of Covid-19 must be done with “nursing at its heart”, according to a primary care nurse leader, who is concerned that these conversations are being “medically dominated”. Julie Bolus, non-executive director and nurse lead at…

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Nursing Management Quiz Series - 18

Nurse hopes to encourage reading and raise funds for children’s services

A mental health nurse in the North East has started a fundraising campaign so patients in children and young people’s services have access to books and activities. Sinead McGowan, a psychiatric liaison nurse at Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust, is raising money…

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Rise in childhood obesity ‘could lead to more MS cases’

Increasing levels of childhood obesity could potentially see more cases of multiple sclerosis (MS) as a knock-on effect, warn UK researchers. Childhood and adolescent obesity would contribute up to 14% of the overall risk of MS by 2035, according to observational research led by Queen…

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New RCN ‘Fair Pay for Nursing’ campaign seeks 12.5% rise

The Royal College of Nursing has today warned the government that it is “time to pay nursing staff fairly” as it seeks to secure a 12.5% wage increase for its members. The college has launched its Fair Pay for Nursing campaign, which is calling for…

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Nursing Research Quiz Series - 21

‘Possible’ to adapt ventilators for two Covid-19 patients at once

Intensive care ventilators could potentially be adapted to support two Covid-19 patients at once as a “last resort”, should a spike in demand leave capacity struggling, according to UK researchers. They highlighted that when the first peak of the coronavirus pandemic approached, governments around the…

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Disqualified RCN election candidate considers legal challenge

One of the candidates controversially disqualified from the race to become the next Royal College of Nursing president has told Nursing Times he is considering legal action. Stuart McKenzie (pictured above) said he believed the reasons he was given by the college for his exclusion…

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UK nursing informatics expert recognised by prestigious academy

A UK nursing academic has said he hopes nurses increasingly recognise the importance of informatics to improving care, having received a major international honour for his work. Professor Nick Hardiker has been selected as a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing (AAN) for his…

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Warning of possible surge in asthma attacks as schools reopen

School nurses and practice nurses could see asthma exacerbations surge massively when children return to school, a leading respiratory charity has warned. Asthma UK said attacks in children could “spike to unprecedented levels” when schools re-open, because of ongoing disruption to basic asthma care caused…

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HEE announces extra funding to expand clinical placements

An additional 7,000 clinical placements for nursing and midwifery students will be available during the next academic year due to a new cash injection, according to Health Education England. The government arms’-length body said on Wednesday that £8.2m would go towards providing an additional 7,000…

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Nurses keep pressure on with workplace pay demonstrations

Thousands of nurses and NHS colleagues across the country were due to be engaging in another round of demonstrations today as part of a grassroots pay campaign. The protests were expected to take place outside hospitals and other workplaces with one group set to march…

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RCN election row escalates as name of second disqualified candidate revealed

Frustrated members are seeking to “force change” at the Royal College of Nursing via emergency measures, in the wake of the union’s botched presidential election. Meanwhile, Nursing Times can reveal that current RCN president, Professor Anne Marie Rafferty, is the other presidential candidate who was…

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‘Role model’ nurse shares ADHD story to inspire others

Having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) should not be seen as a barrier to pursuing a career in nursing, a newly qualified mental health nurse who was diagnosed with the condition during her studies has urged. Shezz Jordan, who studied at the University of Chester,…

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Trusts offered extra funding for learning disability nurse apprentices

An extra cash bonus will be offered to employers in England for every learning disability nurse apprentice they take on, as part of efforts to bolster the fragile workforce, it has been revealed. Earlier this month the government pledged £172m to increase the number of…

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Warning of Covid-19 burnout risk among female health staff

The coronavirus pandemic is taking a “significant toll” on women working in health and social care in the UK, a new survey has revealed. It found that 72% of respondents believed their job was having a greater negative impact than usual on their mental wellbeing…

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Crisis deepens at RCN as council vice chair steps down

The Royal College of Nursing is in “uncharted waters” after a second high-profile resignation from its ruling council. The college has revealed that its vice chair of council, Richard Jones, has decided to step down “for health reasons”. “RCN Council is united in the aim…

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‘No safe caffeine level’ while pregnant or trying for a baby

Women who are pregnant or trying to conceive should be advised to avoid caffeine, according to researchers from Iceland, who have carried out a review of the available evidence. They warned that the evidence suggested that maternal caffeine consumption was associated with negative pregnancy outcomes…

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Mental Health Nursing Quiz Series - 18

‘First’ resource developed to meet student nurse prescribing standard

Universities in North West England have developed what is believed to be the first online resource of its kind to help prepare student nurses for prescribing medications at an earlier point in their careers. It follows the introduction of the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s new…

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Majority of care homes nurses felt mistreated during Covid-19 peak

Four-fifths of care home nurses would assess their experience of working during the coronavirus pandemic as "very negative", according to a new snapshot survey. During May and June 2020, the Queen's Nursing Institute polled members of its UK Care Home Nurses Network to find out…

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RCN council chair resigns amid presidential election debacle

The chair of the Royal College of Nursing’s ruling council Dee Sissons has resigned, it has been announced. It follows unconfirmed reports that a vote of no confidence in Ms Sissons was due to be held in the near future over alleged mishandling of the…

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Pharmacology Quiz Series - 18

Pharmacology Quiz Series - 19

‘Unique’ lockdown opportunity for nurses to test homeless people

Nurses on Merseyside have been involved in testing homeless people for infectious disease due to the “unique” opportunity afforded by the coronavirus pandemic. The HIV and hepatitis C testing initiative, which was rapidly introduced during lockdown, means that 67 homeless people in Liverpool are now…

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Multi-disciplinary care ‘vital’ for pregnant women with Covid-19

All pregnant women admitted to hospital with Covid-19 must have multi-disciplinary maternity care from the start, according to two royal colleges in response to the findings of a new report. They highlighted that clarity was key when providing specific advice to women with Covid-19 during…

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Single dose radiotherapy ‘effective alternative’ for early breast cancer

Single dose radiotherapy during surgery is as good as conventional radiotherapy for most women with early breast cancer, according to a study led by UK researchers. They found that, for most women, a single dose of targeted radiotherapy during surgery was just as effective as…

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Medical-surgical Nursing Quiz Series - 21