MCQ. Substance Abuse

1. Heroin is a form of:                           
A. Tobacco
B. Poppy
C. Datura
D. Cannabis                                         

2. LSD is taken from
A. Fungus
B. Lichen
C. Alga
D. Bacterium

3. An opiate narcotic is                   Nursing Path
A. Bhang
B. Charas
C. Heroin www. D. Nicotine

4. Which of the following drug functions as a CNS depressant? Nursing Path
A. Amphetamine
B. Caffeine
C. Opium
D. Cocaine

4. Which of the following drug functions as a CNS depressant?
A. Amphetamine
B. Caffeine
C. Opium
D. Cocaine

5. Which of the following is a hallucinogen?
B. Heroin
C. Cocaine
D. Morphine

6. Slow respiration, slow pulse, and consrtiction of pupil occures due to drug addiction of
A. Morphine and opium
B. Cocaine and heroin
C. Alcohol and thalidomide
D. Nicotine and caffeine

7. Stimulant cocaine is obtained from
A. Rauwolfia
B. Erythroxylon                                                                        Nursing Path
C. Papaver
D. Eucalyptus

8. Hashish and Ganja are obtained from
A. Erythroxylon
B. Papaver www.
C. Cannabis
D. Theobroma

9. Synthetic drugs structurally related to adrenaline are
A. Amphetamines
B. Barbiturates
C. Hallucinogens
D. Analgesics

10. Brown sugar is
A. Diacetyl morphine hydrochloride
B. Theophylline
C. Lorazepam
D. Metherdine

11. Diacetyl morphine is
A. Morphine
B. Heroin
C. Cocaine
D. Hashish

12. Which of the following is a matching pair?
A. LSD-narcotic www.
B. Heroin-psychotropic                                               Nursing Path
C. Amphetamine-stimulant
D. Benzodiazepenes-analgesics

13. Which one is correct statement about psychotropic drug?
A. Morphine leads to delusions and disturbed emotions
B. Barbiturates cause relaxation and temporary euphoria
C. Opium stimulates nervous system and causes hallucinations
D. Hashish causes after-thought perceptions and hallucinations

14. Which of the following drug has the highest potential for physical dependence?
A. Opiods
B. Cannabis
C. Cocaine                                             Nursing Path
D. LSD www

15. The CAGE questionnaire consists of
A. 10 questions
B. 14 questions
C. 4 questions
D. 20 questions

16. The drug of choice in the management of alcohol withrawal is
A. Barbiturates
B. Benzodiazepines
C. Disulfiram
D. Acamprosate

17. Which of the following is the most dependence-producing derivative of opium?
A. Meperidine
B. Diphenoxylate
C. Methadone                                                                Nursing Path
D. Heroin

18. Common street name of cocaine is
A. Smack
B. Brown sugar
C. Crack
D. Angel dust

19. Which of the following is known to cause disulfiram-ethanol like reaction?
A. Propranolol 
B. Haloperidol
C. Ciprofloxacin
D. Metronidazole

20. Which of the following is NOT a cannabis preparation?
A. Smack
B. Charas
C. Ganja                                                                         Nursing Path
D. Hashish

21. Elevated mean corpuscular volume (MCV) value is an indicator of
A. Thiamine deficiency 
B. Nicotine dependence
C. Alcohol dependence
D. Opium dependence 

22. Which of the following term is NOT used in ICD-10 classification on substance use disorders?
A. Acute intoxication
B. Harmful use
C. Dependence syndrome
D. Addiction syndrome
E. Withdrawal state

23. Which of the following investigation is related to diagnosis of alcohol dependence?
B. Serum CPK-MB
C. Serum Prolactin Levels

24. Which of the following instrument is used for alcohol dependence screening?
B. HDRS                                                             Nursing Path

25. GGT (gamma-glutyl transaminase) is eleveated in
A. Cannabis dependence
B. Nicotine dependence
C. Heroin dependence
D. Alcohol dependence

26. Compulsory-drinking is also called
A. Dipsomania
B. Pyromania                                         Nursing path
C. Trichotillomania
D. Dyslexia

27. Wernicke's encephalopathy is atributed to
A. Severe riboflavin deficiency
B. Excessive blood alcohol content
C. Sever thamine deficiency
D. Excessive GGT levels

28. Which of the following is NOT a contraindication for use of disulfiram?
A. Recent CAD
C. History of psychosis
D. Seizure disorder
E. Nicotine dependence

29. Which of the following is an anti-craving agent used in the management of alcohol dependence syndrome?
A. Disulfiram 
B. Lorazepam
C, Citrated Cacium Carbimide
D. Acamprosate                                                Nursing Path
E. Metronidazole

30. "Chasing the dragon" refers to the smocking of
A. Nicotine
B. Heroin

1. B
2. A
3. C
4. c
5. A
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. A
10. D
11. B
12. C
13. D
14. A
15. C
16. B
17. D
18. C
20. A
21. C
22. D
23. A
25. D
26. A
27. C
28. E
29. D

1.      Kaplan HI, Sadock BJ. Synopsis of Psychiatry , Behavioral Sciences/ Clinical 
2.    Bhatti K. Dinesh Companion to Biology. S. Dinesh & Co. New Delhi, 2009.


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