TCs are drug-free residential settings that use a hierarchical model with treatment stages that reflect increased levels of personal and social responsibility.
The goals are to effect a complete change of lifestyle, including abstinence from substances, to develop a personal honesty, responsibility and useful social skills and to eliminate antisocial attitudes and criminal behavior .
Under the influence of Maxwell Jones, Main,
Wilmer and developed the concept of the therapeutic community and its
attenuated form - the therapeutic milieu - caught on and dominated
the field of inpatient psychiatry throughout the 1960's. The aim of
therapeutic communities was a more democratic, user-led form of
therapeutic environment, avoiding the authoritarian and demeaning
practices of many psychiatric establishments of the time. The central
philosophy is that clients are active participants in their own and
each other's mental health treatment and that responsibility for the
daily running of the community is shared among the clients and the
staff. 'TC's have sometimes eschewed or limited medication in favour
of group-based therapies.
“A therapeutic community is a drug-free
environment in which people with addictive (and other) problems live
together in an organized and structured way in order to promote change
and make possible a drug-free life in the outside society. The
therapeutic community forms a miniature society in which residents, and
staff in the role of facilitators, fulfill distinctive roles and
adhere to clear rules, all designed to promote the transitional
process of the residents” ( Ottenberg 1993)
Stuart and Sundeen defined therapeutic
community as “a therapy in which patient’s social environment would be
used to provide a therapeutic experience for the patient by involving
him as an active participant in his own care and the daily problems
of his community”.
To use patient’s social environment to provide a therapeutic experience for him
To enable the patient to be an active participant in his own care and become involved in daily activities of his own community
To help patient to solve problems ,plan activities and to develop the necessary rules and regulations for the community
To increase their independence and gain control over many of their own personal activities
To enable the patient to become aware of how their behavior affects others
Elements of therapeutic community
Free communication
Shared responsibility
Active participation
Involvement in decision making
Understanding of the roles ,responsibilities ,limitations and authorities
Components of therapeutic community
a) Daily community meetings
These meetings are composed of 60-90 patients. All levels of unit staff are involved, including administrative personnel. Acute patients are not involved in the meetings.
Meetings should be held regularly for 60 minutes
Discussion should focus mainly on day to day life in the unit
During discussion patients feelings and behaviors are examined by other members
Frank discussion are encouraged ,these may take place with much out poring of emotions and anger
b) Patient Government or Ward council
The purpose of patient government is to deal with practical unit details such as house-keeping functions, activity planning and privileges
A group of 5-6 patients will have specific responsibilities, such as house keeping, physical exercise, personal hygiene, meal distribution, a group to observe suicidal patients. Staff members should be always available
All decisions should be feedback to the community through the community meetings
c) Staff meetings or Review
A staff meeting should be held following each community meeting (patients are excluded and only staff are present). In this meeting the staff would examine their own responses, expectations and prejudice.
d) Living and learning opportunities
Learning opportunities are provided within the social milieu, which should provide realistic learning experiences for the patients.
Length of treatment in a therapeutic community
In general, individuals progress through drug
addiction treatment at varying speeds, so there is no predetermined
length of treatment. Those who complete treatment achieve the best
outcomes, but even those who drop out may receive some benefit. Good
outcomes from TC treatment are strongly related to treatment duration,
which likely reflects benefits derived from the underlying treatment
process. Individuals who complete at least 90 days of treatment in a TC
have significantly better outcomes on average than those who stay for
shorter periods.
Traditionally, stays in TCs have varied from 18
to 24 months. Recently, however, funding restrictions have forced
many TCs to significantly reduce stays to 12 months or less and/or
develop alternatives to the traditional residential model .For
individuals with many serious problems (e.g., multiple drug
addictions, criminal involvement, mental health disorders, and low
employment), research again suggests that outcomes were better for
those who received TC treatment for 90 days or more.
In the TC, the level of treatment engagement
and participation is related to retention and outcomes. Treatment
factors associated with increased retention include having a good
relationship with one's counselor, being satisfied with the treatment,
and attending education classes. Important attributes linked to
treatment retention include self-esteem, attitudes and beliefs about
oneself and one's future, and readiness and motivation for treatment.
Retention can be improved through interventions to address these
Structure of the therapeutic community
TCs are physically and programmatically
designed to emphasize the experience of community within the
residence. The residential capacity of TCs can vary widely; a typical
program in a community-based setting accommodates 40 to 80 people. TCs
are located in various settings, often determined by need, funding
sources, and community tolerance. Some, for example, are situated on
the grounds of former camps and ranches or in suburban houses. Others
have been established in jails, prisons, and shelters. Larger agencies
may support several facilities in different settings to meet various
clinical and administrative needs.
The treatment process: therapy, education and training
The elements of treatment at the TC typically
include substance abuse treatment, education (General Equivalency
Diploma or, in some cases, university courses), primary medical and
dental care, vocational skills training (e.g. culinary arts,
carpentry, general maintenance, mechanical systems, general contracting,
computer skills, or substance abuse counseling), on- and off-site job
placement, and in rare cases, on-site resident-run businesses. Other
supports include legal services, advocacy, and life skills counseling.
There is no formal religious component to treatment, education or
training. In fact, experts caution against the introduction of
religion as an aspect of daily life in the TC .
TC treatment can be divided into three major stages.
Stage 1. Induction and early treatment
: This phase typically occurs during the first 30 days to assimilate
the individual into the TC. Once the intake process of interviews and
assessments is complete, new arrivals to the TC are often housed in
rooms with six to eight bunkmates. It is generally expected that new
residents must be medically detoxified prior to beginning the program.
Leader who is responsible for the orientation of the new resident to
the rules and expectations of the TC.
Work is often identified as one of the central
components of the therapeutic approach. As such, job assignments or
“functions” begin immediately for new residents, usually with basic
housekeeping or maintenance chores. The work-centered approach is
intended to serve multiple purposes.
First, by beginning with general maintenance work, the resident acquires knowledge of the facility’s physical layout and organizational structure.
Second, daily work is believed to instil an ethic of discipline and hard work that is desirable according to the TC treatment model.
Third, putting new residents to work immediately reinforces the broader nature of the TC as a structured, merit-based program, where residents earn privileges and seniority by complying with all rules and behavioural expectations. In this case, the implied goal for the new resident is to move up a strict hierarchy of jobs and departments to more desirable positions.
Lastly, the work is often physically demanding, leaving residents physically tired at the end of the day so that they have no time to think about leaving and returning to their previous lifestyle.
Progression from phase one to phase two is be
made on the recommendation of staff members and, to a lesser extent,
the broader peer group, and is typically judged on the basis of the
individual resident’s attitude, work competence and peer relations.
Stage 2. Primary treatment
In Phase two the resident is expected to take
on more responsibility for the welfare of others, particularly
newcomers. At this stage, he or she is normally introduced to three
vocational training areas. Training takes place during the daytime
hours, with expected study time in the evening. Residents typically
begin courses to improve literacy, develop computer skills and achieve a
General Equivalency Diploma (GED). Residents are also typically
expected to continue with their encounter groups, with the goal of
adopting positive beliefs and attitudes toward themselves and others.
By the end of phase two, residents are normally expected to have
completed their GED, choose one vocation training area in which to
specialize, participate in encounter groups, deal with more daily
responsibility, and adhere to the rules and regulations of the facility.
Often uses a structured model of progression through increasing
levels of prosocial attitudes, behaviors, and responsibilities. The TC
may use interventions to change the individual's attitudes,
perceptions, and behaviors related to drug use and to address the
social, educational, vocational, familial, and psychological needs of
the individual.
Stage 3
Entry into phase three normally begins when the
resident has applied for, and has been accepted to train in a
vocational area on a full-time basis, with the intention of completing
a certificate in the program or trade, and finding related work
outside of the facility after leaving. Residents may be reimbursed
nominally for their vocational work. The money is saved so they will
have money to begin their new lives once they exit the program. During
this phase, residents may be encouraged to attend social activities
outside of the facility accompanied by other members, as well as
re-establish contact with their families of origin. A family
reunification program is sometimes established.
Stage 4. Re-entry At this
point residents typically share accommodations and bathrooms with a
smaller number of residents in a more home like setting. It is
believed that by this phase, residents have acquired skills and coping
abilities to allow them to “re-enter” society.These skills often
include a GED, vocational training, computer literacy, and
relationship and coping skills. If any money has been saved for the
resident, these funds will be released with the expectation that a bank
account will be opened for living expenses.
TCs are often staffed by a carefully chosen
group of professionals who receive training in the specifics of the TC
model. Experts suggest that program staff should comprise a mix of
self-help recovered professionals and other traditional professionals
(e.g. nurses, physicians, lawyers, case workers, counselors) 8). An
average resident to staff ratio was cited as approximately 15:1.
Resident profile and special populations
Many residents have been drug addicted for
years and have a history of criminal activity or other legal problems.
Other common factors include multi-generational poverty and
homelessness. most TCs stipulate that residents must be healthy enough
to undertake physical labor and participate in training programs and
other group-related activities. Potential residents are generally
deemed inadmissible in the case of a history of kidnapping, rape, arson,
child molestation, suicide attempts.
The screening and intake process for TC
residents is rigorous, typically involving an initial visit or phone
call, admission to a waiting list, an orientation process, one or more
intake interviews, medical, legal and psychological assessments, and
consent to treatment. A thorough intake process is considered to be
particularly critical in light of the high rate of drop-out which
commonly reaches 50% within the first 30 days.
The daily regimen
A typical TC day begins at 7 a.m. and ends at
11 p.m. and includes morning and evening house meetings, job
assignments, groups, seminars, scheduled personal time, recreation,
and individual counseling. As employment is considered an important
element of successful participation in society, work is a distinctive
component of the TC model.
In the TC, all activities and interpersonal
and social interactions are considered important opportunities to
facilitate individual change. These methods can be organized by their
primary purpose, as follows:
Clinical groups (e.g., encounter groups and retreats) use a variety of therapeutic approaches to address significant life problems.
Community meetings (e.g., morning, daily house, and general meetings and seminars) review the goals, procedures, and functioning of the TC.
Vocational and educational activities occur in group sessions and provide work, communication, and interpersonal skills training.
Community and clinical management activities (e.g., privileges, disciplinary sanctions, security, and surveillance) maintain the physical and psychological safety of the environment and ensure that resident life is orderly and productive.
Advantages of therapeutic community
Patient develops harmonious relationships with other members of the community
Gains self –confidence
Develops leadership skills
Learns to understand and solve problems of self and others
Becomes socio-centric
Learns to live and think collectively with the members of the community
It provides opportunity to participate in the formulation of hospital rules and regulations that affect patient’s personal liberties like bedtime, meal time, weekend permission, control of radio or T.V, social activities , late night privileges.
Disadvantages of therapeutic community
Role blurring between staff and patient
Group responsibility can easily become nobody’s responsibility
Individual needs and concerns may not be met
Patient find the transition to community difficult
Role of the nurse
Providing and maintaining a safe and conflict free environment through role modeling and group leadership
Sharing of responsibilities with patient
Encouraging patient to participate in decision making functions
Assisting patients to assume leadership roles
Giving feedback
Carrying out supervisory functions
Several studies have found that this approach
to treatment is successful in substantially improving the quality of
life for members. A study of patients at the Cassel Hospital showed
that 98% of patients are too disturbed on admission to find
employment, but that five years later 90% have jobs. Re-admission and
re-conviction rates have been found to drop considerably after
treatment in a therapeutic community.
Kaplan HI, Sadock BJ. Synopsis of Psychiatry , Behavioral Sciences/ Clinical Psychiatry. 9th ed. Hong Kong :William and Wilkinson Publishers ;1998.
Dr. Bimla K. Text Book of Psychiatric Nursing vol. II. 1st ed. New Delhi: Kumar Publishing House; 2006
Sreevani R. A Guide to Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing .New Delhi:Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers;2006.
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