Grounded theory was developed by Barney Glaser and
Anslem Strauss, in the 1960s.
Grounded theory has roots in symbolic interactionism
and the works of Charles Cooley (1864-1929) and George Herbert Mead (1863-1931).
Grounded theory is explained as a package of research methods, which
includes data collection, coding and analysing through
memoing, theoretical sampling and sorting to writing,
using the constant comparative method. (Glaser, 1998).
GT has origins in sociology,
emphasises the importance of developing an
understanding of human behaviour through a process of discovery and induction. (Elliott & Lazenbatt, 2005)
Major Concepts
Grounded theory is an inductive type of research, based in the observations or data from which it was developed.
It uses a variety of data sources, including quantitative data, review of records, interviews, observation and surveys.
Concepts are basic units of analysis.
Concepts grouped and related to form abstract categories
Relationships between categories identified to develop “formal theory”
Theory building- concepts, categories, themes are identified and developed
during the study.
Core Elements of Grounded Theory
Attempt to apply systematic and explicit data analysis technique to textual information.
Unifying data collection with analysis.
Data first, theory last.
Application in Nursing
A grounded theory approach provides nursing with a viable means
of generating theory grounded in the realities of everyday
clinical practice (Elliott & Lazenbatt, 2005).
Grounded theory is
increasingly being used in research practice, particularly in
nursing research. (Elliott & Lazenbatt, 2005).
Elliott M, Lazenbatt A. How to recognize a 'quality'
grounded theory research study. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing,
2005 Volume 22 Number 3.
Glaser, B.G. and Strauss, A.L. 1967. The discovery of grounded theory:
Strategies for qualitative research. New York: Aldine de Gruyter.
Glaser, B.G. 1998. Doing grounded theory: Issues and discussions. Mill Valley
CA: Sociology Press.
Strauss, Corbin. Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques. Sage, Newbury Park, 1990.
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