Clinical rotation plan refers to regular successive and current postings of various groups of nursing students belonging to different classes in specific nursing fields. I.e. OPDS, specially, wards, OT, delivery room, clinical, community health fields-Clinics outreach centre, sub centre, health centre, schools.
Clinical rotation plan is a statement which explains the order of the Clinical postings of various groups of nursing students belonging to different classes in relevant clinical areas and community health settings as per the requirements laid down by the statutory bodies.
*   The objectives of the course have to be clearly stated.
*   Number of students in each class.
*   Number and size of the departments, agencies, areas, technical units or wards where students will be, should give opportunity for giving clinical experience.
*   Presence of students of others programme on the same field.
*   The agency and authority’s concern should be considered.
*   The duration of clinical experience in each area.
*   Number of person available for clinical supervision.
*   Indian nursing council requirements i.e. the individual schools have the freedom to organize the clinical experience the way they choose but all must meet the minimum prescribed by the council.
*   Number of staff nurse employed to provide nursing services in the hospital/field.
*   Sectors that is solely dependent on student services during day and night.
*   Sequence of experience required.
*   Select wards depending on learning experiences to be provided.
*   Adhere to rotation plan.
o   The clinical rotation plan must be in accordance with the total curriculum plan.
o   It must be made in advance.
o   Theoretical instructions should precede closely as possible with clinical experience simultaneously the ward teachings, case presentations, bed side clinics etc can be conducted.
o   The teacher and student ratio will be 1:4 or as prescribed by INC or according to the types of patients nursed e.g.: in critical care unit 1: 1
o   Select the type of learning experience from simple to complex.
o   Clinical supervisors must be familiar with the rotation plan; a copy of rotation plan should be available in each area.
o   The students should be posted where they will get maximum supervision from clinical supervisors and qualified nursing staff
o   Each student should get all the experience on rotation wise.
o   Overcrowding in any clinical area should be avoided.
o   Avoid overlapping of work.
o       All students should enter and leave the particular clinical area at the same time and should complete the assignments in time.
o  Continuity in clinical area is needed.

1.    Every student should be exposed to all experiences.
2.    Supervision will be easy.
3.    Overcrowding can be avoided.
4.    Reduce confusion among teachers and students.
5.    Easy for evaluation
6.    Students can fulfill all the objectives. 

It is prepared well in advance for the whole year so that it gives complete and clear picture about student’s placement either in theory or field during an academic session. For each year, it can be prepared separately and or total programme one can be prepared so that every faculty will be aware of students' placements, Thus is helps both the students and teachers to prepare themselves for working in their consecutive areas.

1. Néeraja. K.P. "Text book of Nursing Education", Jayvee, Brothers
            New Delhi, 1st, edition, 2003, Pp 175-181.
2. S. Sankaranarayanan B, Sindhu B. Learning and Teaching Nursing,
              Barinfil publisher Calicut (2004), 1 st edition, Pp: 77-78.


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