What students aspire to do once they have gained a nursing qualification may be different to what they expected to be doing when they entered the programme, and different again from that which was the initial impetus to train. There are many factors that influence the nursing education and they are as follows:
- Family and social background: Everybody chooses the nursing profession due to some reasons, may be due to family members working as a nursing staff or in any allied health or caring occupations or encouragement of older family members influences the students to choose their profession. The respect of nursing profession in the society encourages the students to choose the nursing as their profession.
- Experience of nursing: The experience influences greatly the nursing education. The nursing teachers must be experienced to give perfect knowledge about nursing to students e.g. if the teachers are having first hand experience then they cannot provide the effective education to the student s as the experienced teachers can provide. Similarly the clinical experience of staff nurse has a great influence on nursing education.
- Cultural background: Everybody thinks according to their cultural beliefs and customs. They give importance only to that profession which is respected in their culture.
- Objectives of organization: If the objectives of the organization are well-defined then the nursing staff will provide effective care to meet the objectives and it will help increase the knowledge of the staff and learners.
- Policies of organization: Every institute works according to the policies of that institute and the policies are different in each institute. So the nursing students and nursing staff will learn according to the policies of that institute.
- Philosophy: The philosophy of each institute is different. Learning by doing is the common philosophy used in nursing profession. By doing the work the nursing students and staff learn about new techniques and new ideas. Each philosophy has different method of teaching. Philosophy has great influence on education. It is considered as the backbone of nursing education.
- Communication: Communication is imparting, the conveying or the exchanging of ideas, knowledge, meaning etc. among the individuals through any medium. So the communication enhances the knowledge and thus effects the nursing education.
- Facility and Equipments: With the advancing time, there is advancement in the new ideas and techniques in nursing profession to provide effective patient care, so if there is proper facility of new equipments and techniques then the students will gain more knowledge.
- IQ level: The students who are having good IQ level they will gain knowledge more efficiently and can provide knowledge to other student s also and the students with low IQ level will not gain the knowledge much efficiently.
- Physical setting of the classroom: To provide nursing education the classroom should be well-equipped with A.V. Aids, proper lighting, proper ventilation and it should be free from noise. It will improve the interest and concentration of students.
- Interest of the students: Nursing education is highly influenced by the interest of the learner. If parents force the students to choose the profession then they will not show any interest and can not have adequate knowledge.
- Rules and regulations: Rules and regulations are different in each institute. If the learners are given more freedom then they will not show interest and they will be careless regarding their education and if the rules and regulations are strict towards education then the learners will have more interest in learning.
- Proximity of the campus: Hostel facility should be there in each nursing institute because the students who are having their home at much distance from the institute should not waste their time. Proper hostel facilities should be provided to the students so that they should not feel home sickness.
- Rewards and punishment: Rewards should be given to the students for theirs good performance. This will encourage that students and the other students also to work hard. For bad behavior and poor performance the students should be punished so that they should try to perform better in future.
- Recruitment: Recruitment means selection for the job. Recruitment has great influence on nursing education. Nursing has a world wide broad scope. That is why nursing education is on great demand. Worldwide, shortage of nurses is seen. That is why more nursing institutes are coming in existence. The appointment of the nursing teachers and nursing staff should be done according to their ability and qualification so that they can provide good knowledge to the students.
Nursing as a profession is complex. It is influenced by the philosophy of nursing, health needs of the individual and community, society, advancement in technology as well as by the research studies. Trends means change. As nothing is static in this world, nursing profession also gets changed. Nursing is growing continuously with changes in the life style, society and health system.
- Focus is on holistic nursing. Individualized care is given to each individual.
- In order to provide comprehensive nursing care, steps of nursing process are followed.
- Trends is towards documenting the intervention which the nurse carried out.
- Trends is towards providing specialized care to the patients. Now a days, more specializations and advancements are coming in health system. Nursing is also influenced by such specialization.
- Similarly nurses are also getting education in specialties for examples:
- Diploma in colostomy care
- Masters in onchological nursing
- Masters in Neurological nursing
- Masters in Cardiac nursing
Professional organizations in nursing also stress the importance of education for nurses seeking new and expanded role.
- Nursing standards are developed in various settings. These are also implemented.
- Politics also has great influence on nursing
- Health care policy and practice also influence the nursing profession.
They are rules and principles that governs right conduct. The word ethics come from Greek word 'Ethod' meaning customs or guiding beliefs.
Ethics refers to the study of philosophical ideals of right or wrong behavior.- Code of ethics provides guidelines for safe and compassionate care.
- Code of ethics will state what kind of conduct is expected from the members of a profession, what are the responsibilities of its towards those whom they serve, their co-worker, the profession and the society as a whole.
- Autonomy: It refers to the person's independence and it is an agreement to respect others rights to determine a course of action.
- Beneficence: It refers to taking positive actions to help others and it is the urge to do good for others.
- Non-maleficence: It is the avoidance of harm or hurt.
- Justice: It refers to fairness.
- Fidelity: It refers to the agreement to keep promises.
- The fundamental responsibility of nurses is fourfold:
- To prevent illness
- To restore health
- To alleviate suffering
- The need for nursing is universal: Inherent in nursing is respect for life, dignity and rights of man. It is unrestricted to consideration of nationality, race, creed, colour, age, sex, politics and social status.
- Nurses render health services to the individual, the family and the community and co-ordinate their services with those of related groups.
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