Nurses are
responsible for ensuring safe and quality patient care at all times. As many
nursing tasks involve a degree of risk, medication administration arguably
carries the greatest risk. Research on medical administration errors (MAEs)
showed that there is a 60% error rate mainly in the form of wrong time, rate,
or dose. Some medication errors cause permanent disability and for others the
errors are fatal. Follow these 10 rights of drug administration to ensure safe
patient care.
The first
right of drug administration is to check and verify if it’s the right name and
form. Beware of look-alike and sound-alike medication names. Misreading
medication names that look similar is a common mistake. These look-alike
medication names may also sound alike and can lead to errors associated with
verbal prescriptions. Check out The Joint Commission’s list of
look-alike/sound-alike drugs.
Ask the name
of the client and check his/her ID band before giving the medication. Even if
you know that patient’s name, you still need to ask just to verify.
Check the
medication sheet and the doctor’s order before medicating. Be aware of the
difference between an adult and a pediatric dose.
Check the
order if it’s oral, IV, SQ, IM, etc..
Check the
order for when it would be given and when was the last time it was given.
Make sure to
write the time and any remarks on the chart correctly.
Secure a
copy of the client’s history to drug interactions and allergies.
Give the
client enough autonomy to refuse the medication after thoroughly explaining the
Review any
medications previously given or the diet of the patient that can yield a bad
interaction to the drug to be given. Check also the expiry date of the
medication being given.
enough knowledge to the patient of what drug he/she would be taking and what
are the expected therapeutic and side effects.
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